Nui Harime vs Deadpool

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Requested by MLPFan001

Crazy, tough and hard to kill, which two seemingly unkillable psycopath with emerge victorious?

Nui Harime

-Due to being a Life-Fiber hybrid, has an insane healing ability

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-Due to being a Life-Fiber hybrid, has an insane healing ability.

-Able to heal from Wounds, almost instantly.

-If her heart is ripped out, will immediately snap back into place, even if severed from her body.

-Cannot be stopped unless a severed Limb is cut off from both sides at the same time.

Fourth Wall awareness:

-Arguably one of her best powers.

-Has a Fourth Wall Awareness.

-Able to interact with Title Cards.

-She both leans against it, and flat out, lies on top of it, as shown above.

-Can reach across the screen to interact with foes.

-Played with Satsuki's Hair, despite being nowhere near her.

Nui Strength:

-Blocked attacks from Ryuko with each with her new arms.

-Even before getting them, blocked enraged attacks from Ryuko with no issue.

-Blocked an attack from Sanageyama, with no effort.

-Easilly overpowered Ryuko's Father.

Nui Speed & Reflexes:

-Avoided Point Blank Anti-Life Fiber Bullets.

-Blitzed Ryuko Matoi.

-Kept up with Satsuki Kiryuin.

-Avoided attacks from Berserker rage Ryuko.

-Outpaced the Elite Four with relative ease.

Nui Durability:

-Skin is naturally harder than Steel.

-Endured a Beating from Ryuko, a bunch of times.

-Ripped her own heart out.

-Should that be counted as a Strength Feat?

-Took hits from Mako.

-Has a Shit Ton of Blood.

-Like seriously, she really does.

-Tanked Anti-life fiber mines without a scratch.

Nui Powers and Abilities:

-Can create copies of herself.

-While no limit has been shown, safe to estimate around the Hundreds range.

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