Requested by choyfider Dedicated to Jhaime Raymundo
Dragons are often known as one of the most fearsome mythical creatures.So to celebrate Choyfider's uncle's birthday, it's time for Noctis to battle Toothless to see which dragon is superior.
Noctis the Moon Demon
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Weapons and Abilities:
Super Strength
Super Durability
Super Speed
Athletic Reflexes and Agility
Powerful Claws and Talons
Spiked Tail
Heightened Senses
He also can launch fireballs from his mouth powerful enough to destroy a building.
Moon Demon form - whenever he is under the influence of the moon or even a full one, his markings glows brightly silver. This increases and strengthens all of his abilities by 8x, earning Noctis the name "Moon Demon"
Dreadful Resonance - whenever he kills a person, the person's soul they are linked will be severely fatal. And unlike regular wounds, it is permanent and can't be healed
Can move at 190,000,000 mph at maximum speed
Beheaded countless humans, Faunuses and Grimm
Defeated the Four Seasonal Maidens
Gave Ziana and Zen Thundrice the ability to shapeshift into Monsters in the first place
Killed Tyrian, Hazel and Dr. Watts.
Is feared even by Salem herself
Is responsible for the shattering of the Moon upon being created
Dodged red lightning bolts from a White Fatalis, said red lightning bolts are proven to be capable of moving at lightspeeds
Defeated Amatsumagatsuchi, White Fatalis, Jhen Mohran, Shah Dalamadur, Teostra, Shagaru Magala and Dire Miralis
Defeated a Lao-Shan Lung, a Monster equally the size of Mount Everest
Tanked multiple plasma shots from a Lavasioth
Despite dodging lightspeed attack, Noctis himself cannot travel at the speed of light
Distraught over the loss of Athena, a Gold Rathian who's his mate
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