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wonho walked home as he thought about the next steps in his plan, he really wanted hyungwon to open up, and again he walked home with a smile on his face as he thought about his tall neighbour.

hyungwon sighed as he plopped onto his bed. today had been tiring. and that was because of the boy called wonho.

although hyungwon had ignored all of wonho's advances in the morning and wonho hadn't tried to talk to him at school, hyungwon could still feel the boys stare and it unsettled him.

hyungwon was used to being ignored, looked at wierdly and being alone. in a way he preferred it this way. it always saved him from the heartache and feelings of betrayal when someone he genuinely liked left him.

it had been 5 years of silence at school so why was it suddenly changing?

hyungwon sighed again as he just hoped that wonho would just leave him alone soon.

forcing himself to get off the bed, hyungwon trudged to his chair as he grabbed the numerous textbooks from his school bag. placing everything on his desk with a 'thud' he breathed in deeply before getting his pens and doing his homework.

the bell had rung for lunch and hyungwon was just starting to pack up. he was always more of a slow person and by packing things away slowly he could avoid the rush of students running out of the classrooms.

he usually waited for the classroom to be empty before he got out of his seat but today, that didn't happen.

"hyungwon, hyungwon!", a voice yelled as hyungwon was nearly finished packing up his stationary, " hyungwon!!!!"

looking up, hyungwon internally sighed as he saw wonho running up to his desk whilst shouting his name. hyungwon remained silent as he waited for whatever it was that wonho wanted to say.

"hey! i kinda forgot to do my math homework", wonho said cheerfully with a big smile, "can i copy yours?"

'oh' hyungwon thought to himself 'so this was the reason'

keeping a straight face, hyungwon reached into his bag to retrieve his math work. handing it to wonho, hyungwon stood up slowly.

"just leave it on the desk when you're done"

with that hyungwon swiftly walked out of the classroom as wonho again stared at the boys disappearing back. with a grin on his face, wonho was sure that his mission of getting closer to hyungwon was going to be a success.

"chae hyungwon!!"

hyungwon looked behind him after hearing his name being shouted out. he saw wonho and immediately turned back and started walking. at times like these, hyungwon was thankful for his long legs.

wonho on the other hand didn't have long legs but he did have a determined heart. running with full speed, wonho caught up to hyungwon who was now internally face palming.

"so, hyungwon? where do you go after school? i never see you when i walk"

hyungwon gradually slowed down before answering, "i don't really want to say"

wonho was extremely hurt at first but he knew it wouldn't be easy, hyungwon wouldn't open up as easy as a clam exposed to heat. he knew that he would have to work hard and so he just hummed a little.

hyungwon was now looking uneasily at wonho. the taller boy didn't want wonho to know where he was going. in fact, he didn't want anyone at their school knowing where he always went after school.

deciding it would be best to just leave now then give any chances to wonho of knowing where he was going hyungwon muttered a "bye" before sprinting off.

wonho just stood near the gates of the school before he noticed kihyun waiting for him.

'you're not easy chae hyungwon but i also don't give up easy'

it has been 3 consecutive days that wonho has asked for hyungwon's math homework. to wonho it was a step in getting closer to hyungwon but to hyungwon it was more the reason to not let the boy enter his heart.

"hey why do you keep asking hyungwon for his homework?", kihyun asked "you usually copy mine."

wonho chuckled a little before winking at kihyun "jealous much?"

kihyun just scoffed before replying "i just don't see how it's supposed to help you in getting closer to him" he finished with a shrug.

"what do you mean?" wonho said confused. to wonho, every time hyungwon let him copy was a sign that they were getting closer and what kihyun had just said confused him alot.

"w-well" kihyun started off cautiously, "wouldn't he think that you are maybe using him?"

wonho quirked both his eyebrows up at this statement before a frown fell on his face.


kihyun gulped as he could literally feel how dejected the boy had become .

"umm maybe not? it depends on what he thinks..." kihyun said softly feeling bad for making his best friend feel bad.

quickly changing the subject, "oh i met some new friends and did you know that hyungwon djs?"

the final school bell rung as everyone ran out the classroom doors. as usual hyungwon took his time and by the time he was walking outside, most students were already gone.

he liked it like this. quiet and peaceful.

"hey! chae hyungwon! you dj?"

hyungwon froze abruptly as if someone had just splashed ice cold water on him. cold sweat stained his shirt as he could only hear one thing. "chae hyungwon! you dj?"

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