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hyungwon walked up to his room, tears streaming down his face even though he didn't even know he was crying. his mother's tone, gaze and disappointment fresh in his mind as he slumped down besides his bed breaking down into sobs.

a call from i.m was all it took for wonho to run out of his house, jump over the fence seperating his house from hyungwon's, climb the tree to reach the window to hyungwon's room and begin knocking on it.

hyungwon who had finished crying about an hour ago was still situated on the floor as he stared at nothing in particular, his eyes and mind not focusing on anything. that stopped when a knocking could be heard on his window.

turning his head towards it, hyungwon was shocked to see wonho clutching onto a branch, mouthing for hyungwon to hurry up and open the window.

bolting up, hyungwon rushed to the window as he pulled it up.

"what are-"

"just let me in first!"

nodding, hyungwon helped wonho sneak into his room before closing the window again.

"so what are you doing here?" hyungwon asked, his voice flat, both eyes and nose red from his crying.

"i.m called me saying that he called you but you hung up on him crying"

hyungwon mentally cursed at i.m.

"i'm fine though," hyungwon said trying to sound convincing.

"it's okay if you're not okay" wonho said softly, "that's why i'm here"

hyungwon looked wonho in the eye as he tried to speak, tried to open up so that wonho wouldn't have climbed up the tree for nothing.


"it's okay," wonho cooed as he walked closer to hyungwon, wiping the few tears that had spilled, "i'm not here to hear what happened, i'm just here to let you know that i will always be here"

hyungwon looked up to see wonho's goofy smile that never failed to make him smile.

a low and strained chuckle escaped hyungwon's mouth, making wonho feel like everything he had done was worth it.

"see?" wonho said softly, "a smile on those lips is what i want to see the most"

hyungwon blushed at what wonho had said before processing how close they were. they hadn't been this close since that night at the club and what had happened in the car. although both boys rememberd what had happened clear as crystal, they both never brought it up, too embarrased to say anything about it.

stroking hyungwon's cheekbones with his thumb, wonho softly asked if the taller boy was alright.

nodding at first but then shaking his head, more tears escaped from the boy's eyes, "my mum knows and she's really angry".

the stream of tears didn't stop as hyungwon started to shake again.

wonho could do nothing but try to calm the boy down by reassuringly patting and stroking the boys' hair, wiping away the tears and lastly kissing the tears away.

looking up with those deer-like eyes, hyungwon looked at wonho in slight shock and curiosity.

knowing that he was caught, wonho decided it was now or never.

"hyungwon," wonho started off, voice as gentle as a still lake, "i know this is probably not the best time to tell you but... i like you. more than a friend, as, as being boyfriends"

wonho looked into hyungwon's eyes searching for any signs of approval or anything positive but his heart fell when he couldn't find anything like that.

"i-i, i , uh sorry, i know it wasn't the right time" wonho said as he tried to hide his own disappointment.

"i-if you don't mind i can stay and keep you company o-or if you don't want to, i can easily go back" wonho asked cautiously a smile on his face, a strained one.

"c-can you do that again?"

wonho looked confused as he looked at hyungwon who still had damp eyes, tear stained cheeks yet a determined look in his eyes.

"do what?" wonho asked genuinely confused.

hyungwon didn't answer but just used one of his slender fingers to point to his cheeks.

"k-kiss?" wonho asked doubtfully, but was shocked when hyungwon nodded.

"b-but-" wonho started off, trying to find an excuse but nothing coming to his mind as his eyes were fized on hyungwon's vulnerable state.

so instead, he took another step closer as he leaned further up, his eyes fluttering as his lips came into contact with the slightly salty water staining hyungwon's flawless skin.

he was cautious though, kissing very lightly, almost not even touching, stopping after the first kiss, not sure whether hyungwon was out of his mind because of his current emotional state. 

but when hyungwon didn't back away and even closed his own eyes, wonho continued to pepper soft and gentle kisses on the trails of tears that had streamed down the taller boy's face only minutes before.

wonho faltered when he felt hyungwon's slender fingers travelling upwards towards the front of his hoodie before they lingered there, grabbing a tiny amount of it's soft material into his hands.

thinking that it was a sign to stop, wonho tried to step back but was pulled back by the grip on his hoodie and his eyes travelled to hyungwon's eyes that were now slowly opening. wonho stood there frozen at hyungwon's beauty as hyungwon's hands travlled even further up before they settled on cupping the shorter boy's cheeks.

"i-i like you too... wonho" hyungwon breathed out, his eyes shaking yet never losing it's focus on wonho.

slowly hyungwon moved in closer and closer so that their foreheads touched before their noses touched. both boys lingered there for a moment, as wonho's eyes automatically fluttered shut and hyungwon mustered up the courage to continue his bold move.

as their breaths mingled with each others, hyungwon closed the distance, his plump lips touching wonho's. hyungwon puckered up his lips further so that their lips were finally feeling each others.

a sense of contentment filled both boy's bodies as a gentle and chaste kiss was shared.

but that was broken when wonho gently pushed hyungwon away, earning a look of confusion from the taller boy.

"hyungwon," wonho started off, apparent hurt in his voice, "i-i want to make sure that this isn't because you're emotionally unstable at the moment a-and if you are, i-i totally u-understand that these t-things c-can happen-"

"no" hyungwon said sharply, cutting off the shorter boy, "i like you and it's not just right now, i-i've liked you since the day we became friends"

wonho looked up at hyungwon, seeing his sincerity in the boy's eyes.

"really?" wonho's voice barely a whisper in the quiet room.

"yes, for real," hyungwon answered, "and you? do you really like me?"

"yes, i do really, really like you... from way before," wonho said, his eyes not leaving hyungwon's as they both started into each other, smiles forming onto their faces.

they leaned into each other, their noses touching agin as they leaned further, wanting to feel the other's lips onto their own.

but that was interrupted when hyungwon's door was ripped open.

detaching their bodies from each other and whipping their heads to the door, both boys watched in shock.




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