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"dj h.one everyone!"

wonho spent those few hours watching hyungwon in awe. the way hyungwon's fingers played with the switches, how his hands roamed freely over all that equipment and just the confidence that was oozing out of his aura was enough to make wonho awestruck. 

so it was only in the third hour of watching hyungwon with his mouth agape, that wonho was able to see what it was that made hyungwon so different.

the boy wasn't scared. the small mannerisms that he had at school could not be found. the way hyungwon moved showed that there was nothing for him to fear and that somehow soothed wonho's heart.

wonho was sipping on his second can of coke (that he got for free thanks to hyungwon) when he realised how hot it really was in the club. thinking for a bit, he then pulled his long sleeved shirt off. the boy had been in his backyard and was pretty much in his 'house' clothes so underneath he wore a tight black singlet.

it showed off his muscles well and the boy had been a bit conscious about it but then he realised that half the people in the club were wearing way more revealing clothing than him so it was okay.

it was a few minutes later that some girl walked over to him. the girl had long black hair and was wearing a crop top and tight shorts. she pretty much fell on top of the poor boy and wonho jumped out of his seat from the surprise, pushing her away.

the girl was quite pretty but extremely drunk and wonho didn't want anything to do with her so he moved away to where there were a few worn out coaches. the boy looked around and sighed, although he liked to have fun, this type of fun didn't really suit him.

it was then that the boy suddenly got curious, how had hyungwon started coming here, it was strange because wonho would have never in a million years thought that hyungwon would come to these places.

his eyes travelled back to the stage and wonho smiled a little as he saw hyungwon. hyungwon's black hair that had been styled up showed off his pretty features.

his big eyes that were so pretty and his nose that was seriously so perfect. his bright skin that contrasted his dark hair and his red lips. wonho gulped a little as he eyes focused on hyungwon's lips. 

they were so plump and red. wonho then felt a sudden urge to trace them with his fingers, and then an even bigger urge to feel them on his own lips.

feeling the heat rush to his cheeks, the boy quickly took another swig out of his soft drink but was interrupted when he felt a hand on his forearm. putting the drink down he looked up to see 3 guys and a girl.

raising his eyebrows at first he then smiled a little when the boy in front of him smiled at him. the boy was good looking and possible only a year or 2 younger than himself.

"hey why are you drinking this at a place like this?" the boy said.

wonho just chuckled and shrugged.

"what's your name?" the boy said with a sparkle in his eyes.

"wonho" wonho replied with a smile, "and you?"

the boy smiled and then motioned for his friends to get closer.

"i'm chanwoo" he said before pointing to each of his friends, "he is donghyuk, that's junhoe and that's jess"

wonho waved and said hi to all of them while they waved back.

lifting his left hand which had a drink in it, chanwoo raised it so it was right in front of wonho.

"this is on me" chanwoo said with a wink.

wonho was a bit reluctant but saw the encouraging smiles of the 4 strangers.

"what's in it?" wonho asked.

"just beer" chanwoo replied with a sweet smile.

his right hand was about to reach for the drink when it was snatched out of chanwoo's hand, causing the said boy to scowl. 

the liquid in the cup had now disappeared and hyungwon used the back of his hand to wipe his mouth, having chugged the whole thing.

chanwoo looked up at hyungwon his scowl growing when he saw all the liquid gone.

"what the f*ck?" he said, clearly irritated. 

"what?" hyungwon replied, not affected at all.

there were a few whispers, mainly 'he's the dj' between the four strangers and junhoe tugged on chanwoo's arm.

a low growl came from chanwoo's throat before he put up his middle finger to hyungwon. the two boys dragged a fuming chanwoo away and in seconds, wonho couldn't see them anymore.

wonho looked up to hyungwon in confusion as he tugged on hyungwon's sleeve a little to get his attention.

"don't accept drinks from strangers" hyungwon replied, looking a little annoyed.

"huh?.. then why did you.."

"I didn't want to make a scene" hyungwon said earning a slow nod from wonho, "let's go now".

the two boys then started to make their out, wonho was following hyungwon when he felt hyungwon's hand gripping onto his tightly. wonho assumed that the taller boy didn't want him to get lost in the crowd so he also grabbed onto hyungwon's arm as they made their way out.

they were near the exit door when wonho felt hyungwon's grip on his arm weaken, there were less people near the exit and as they pushed through the few people there they finally got out.

hyungwon was slouching a lot, his hand still holding wonho's arm. it was only when hyungwon nearly fell that wonho relaised that the taller boy had been holding onto his arm for support.

"hyungwon what's wrong?" wonho said with slight panic in his voice as hyungwon suddenly threw up on the spot.

patting the taller boy's back to try to comfort the boy, wonho could only watch as hyungwon was throwing up, his body shaking uncontrollably after and then throwing up again.

wonho's firm hand went up and down hyungwon's back as his other hand held the thin boy up to keep him steady.

after a few minutes, hyungwon finally seemed to stop and his body was not shaking as much.

when the boy was finally able to stand up by himself with some support from wonho, they moved to some seats that were close by. 

"are you sick?" wonho asked, concerned.

"I told you," hyungwon said slowly as he tried to steady his breathing, "don't take drinks from strangers."

it took wonho a while to understand but then it struck him.

"no way..." wonho said softly, it was more to himself but hyungwon heard it.

"those guys that look nice and stuff...those are the worst"

not even after a second that those words left hyungwon's mouth, the boy ran to the closest tree to throw up again. the tall boy blinked a few times to try to get the dizziness to go away but the way his surroundings truned fuzzy only seemed to increase with each passing second.

the next thing he knew, he had started giggling.

wonho watched as hyungwon used the back of his sleeve to wipe his mouth before staggering. he would have fell on his own vomit if wonho hadn't pulled him at the last minute and the two boys were now chest to chest and at eye level (since hyungwon was slouching). 

hyungwon then placed his forehead on wonho's making wonho hiss from the slight pain, and then he giggled before whining. 

wonho watched in shock and horror.


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