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hyungwon froze abruptly as if someone had just splashed ice cold water on him. cold sweat stained his shirt as he could only hear one thing. "chae hyungwon! you dj?"

slowly turning around, hyungwon stared at the boy who was getting closer and closer to him. his eyes wide and mouth nearly quivering. 

wonho, who noticed something was wrong stopped as he watched the boy in front of him nearly cower from his presence. wonho's face melted into an expression of concern as he made his way to hyungwon slowly. 

"you okay?"

hyungwon eyes were glistening from the tears that were threatening to spill, but he breathed in as he collected himself.

"h-h" the croakiness of his voice scared both himself and wonho, "how do you know?"

wonho was feeling horrible at this moment. if no one in the entire school knew about this matter, who was he to scream it out.

"I-I heard from kihyun, he said he met a few friends that told him"

hyungwon could tell that wonho was feeling guilty from the way the shorter boy couldn't meet his eyes and the way his voice fell but he didn't care at all.

hyungwon breathed out again before making sure his voice sounded stern, "don't tell anyone."

with that, the boy left the school grounds leaving wonho still speechless. 


"kihyun, I f*cked up"

"huh what do you mean?"

"I asked hyungwon about him djing and he just got so defensive and sensitive about it. he looked so angry and scared at the same time, I-I didn't know what to do or say at that moment"

kihyun sighed as he pushed away his homework that was scattered on his desk. he had been studying when the taller boy had barged into his room and fell onto his bed in despair. it had been one day since wonho and hyungwon's not so great interaction and wonho needed help.

"did he say anything about it?"

"huh? he just told me not to tell anyone"

kihyun mentally slapped himself. if no one at the school knew, there must have been a reason. it was probably a secret that hyungwon didn't want anyone in the school finding about. he shouldn't have told wonho about it either. 

"urgh, this is my fault too", kihyun said with a groan. he hated making other people feel bad, he had been so immersed and concerned about wonho accidentally hurting hyungwon that he himself had forgotten to keep his mouth shut.

"what do we do now kihyun?" wonho said as he sat up straight on kihyun's bed, he looked at kihyun with hopeful eyes, "you always have a solution to everything!"

kihyun scratched his head as he thought about what they could do to help the situation. 

"okay, I've got something"


"wow kihyun, you never told me you go to these types of scenes" wonho said with a little whistle as the end.

the two were in place similar to a club. instead of it being 18+ it was 16+ and was made especially for rich high school kids that wanted to party. the place was identical to a club in the sense that people danced, had sex and drank. wonho would have never guessed that kihyun would come to places like these. as a matter of fact, wonho didn't even know that this place existed. it was quite secretive and the boy himself had only gotten past security because apparently kihyun had 'connections'.

kihyun just rolled his eyes as he led wonho through a number of hallways until they were in the centre. it was still a little early and so the place was relatively empty.

"and you're saying that hyungwon djs here?"

pulling wonho to the side and sitting on a slightly dirty couch, kihyun looked around for the mentioned boy but maybe because it was too early, most people had not arrived.

"mm, hyungwon djs here. I know he is scheduled today because he is doing it for the dance contest today"

wonho nodded but then looked up at kihyun with a look of suspicion, "and, how may I ask, do you know all of this?"

coughing a little, kihyun just scratched his neck, "I know one of the contestants...' he mumbled. the slight blush on his cheeks didn't go unnoticed by wonho though.

smirking, wonho wanted to ask more questions but was interrupted by people chattering. the two boys looked to their left to see groups of people coming. they were probably the dancers, wonho thought.

catching sight of someone, kihyun gave a shy wave and following his gaze, wonho saw shownu reciprocating the wave. wonho's mouth fell open as he quickly faced his best friend, "shownu?!"

kihyun shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he avoided wonho's gaze. although they both knew that they liked boys, kihyun was still a little shy in expressing his feelings to wonho. 

"you're dating shownu?!" wonho screeched.

luckily the dancers had all moved into their respective waiting rooms and kihyun slapped wonho's arm for being so loud.

"no! I-I just like him okay? nothing more than that..."

wonho smirked a little and wanted to tease his best friend some more when kihyun quickly leaned over and whispered to him.

"hyungwon. over there"

following the direction of kihyun's pointed finger, wonho could see a figure dressed in all black. the persons hair was up and styled nicely. his lean and tall figure making him stand out against the strobe lights.

wonho was lost in his thoughts as he admired hyungwon's figure that his mouth fell open when hyungwon turned around. of course, hyungwon's features were all the same but yet there was something so different. 

hyungwon wasn't smiling, the same as how he acted at school yet his aura had changed. instead of the quiet and shy boy at school who always had his head low and couldn't meet anyones eyes, this hyungwon oozed with charisma. 

wonho watched intently. studying how different hyungwon's gaze was, how his actions so sure and confident. hyungwon was confident and that amazed wonho. 

he was interrupted when suddenly a storm of people entered and a mc walked up to the stage. wonho watched as hyungwon walked up to the dj equipment. putting on his thick earphones, hyungwon did a little warming up before he started going through a list of songs.

the warming up had already created something in the crowd as people were shouting and cheering from excitement.

after testing the mic a few times, the mc finally spoke.

"welcome everyone to the second round of our dance contest! I see everyone is already pumped from our dj, h.one!"

'dj h.one...' wonho thought to himself as he watched the mc speak.

"and now, may the contest begin!"


hello :) sorry for the late updates, I have been trying to find time to write more now~ 

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