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"will you forgive me?"

wonho chuckled a little before he replied.

"no, not that," he said with a smile, "something else"

hyungwon looked at the shorter boy in confusion.

"what then?" he said, his voice a little scrawny from trying to stop himself from cyring.

wonho sighed, "do i really have to tell you everything"

the taller boy was still confused making wonho sigh again.

"do you, you know maybe want to be my friend..." wonho whispered and hyungwon's eyes widened as he understood before he nodded.

"do you want to be my friend wonho?"

a smile formed on wonho's face at such simple words and he nodded.

"yes, I want to be your friend hyungwon"

the two boys then smiled at each other, although they were both a little shy and awkward at their new 'relationship'.


the next few weeks went by in a flash.

although to a stranger at school, their relationship hadn't changed, their friends knew and they also walked to and from school together as they spent more and more time together.

they got to know each other more than before and hyungwon was finally able to put trust in wonho. although wonho wanted hyungwon to eat lunch with his group and hang out with them at school, hyungwon didn't feel comfortable doing that yet and wonho learned to respect that.

"so, how's your mum?"

the two were sitting under a big tree as they hid from the sun, their school uniforms slightly sweaty from their previous sports lesson.

"i... we're still not really talking" hyungwon replied, heart already acheing.

"for 3 weeks??!?!" wonho exclaimed, not being able to imagine not talking to someone in the same house for more than a few days.

"yeah... i guess i just don't know what to say to her," hyungwon breathed out as he looked afar, watching as some other students played soccer.

wonho opened his mouth to say something but he couldn't really think of anything to say either so he just leaned back, his arms propping him up as he relaxed, but then he touched hyungwon's hand.

"oh sorry," wonho said flustered as he retrieved his hand, putting on a goofy smile to hide his blush.

"i-it's okay" hyungwon said softly, as he too tried to hide the butterflies in his stomach.

"you guys should stop beating around the bush," minhyuk exclaimed with a smirk as he joined the two boys, followed by jooheon and kihyun.

"i agree!!" johheon chimed in, making both hyungwon and wonho blush even more.

it wasn't a hidden fact that all of wonho's friends and even hyungwon's friend shipped them but it nonetheless made the boys shy, despite wanting it.

hyungwon was now more familiar and comfrotable with the three boys. at first it had been difficult for him to match with their quirky, upbeat and loud friendship, but in the end it all worked out well.

the boys were now all taliking about kihyun's crush when the boy himself ran up to them, making all the boys except kihyun himself smirk.

but something was off as shownu ran to them, a worried expression on his face.

"hyungwon!" shownu's low voice bellowed out.

hyungwon looked at shownu concerned while all other boys looked at hyungwon.

"the principal wants to see you"


hyungwon trudged home by himself. although for the most of his school life he had walked home alone, it felt wierd now since wonho had always walked with him for the past weeks.

but he had wanted some time alone and wonho had respected that.

someone had reported to their principal that hyungwon was involved in certain underaged clubs as a dj, and while that wasn't entirely illegal in itself, the happenings at the club were which was what made the principal call him.

while the school and the principal himself couldn't make hyungwon stop and could only strongly advise the boy to not ruin the reputation of the school, the prinicpal had advised him that they had called his mum.

so now, hyungwon struggled with every step he took home. having not spoken to his mum in 4 weeks and now having to receive this type of news, hyungwon was sure his mum would be furious.

taking in deep breaths, he took his keys out as he slowly opened the front door. taking off his shoes before closing the door, he walked towards the dinner table where he knew his mum would be.

sure enough, there she was, home phone still in her hand as if she had been frozen after the call she got merely 2 hours ago.


hyungwon watched wearily as his mum took in a few deep breaths.

"you, you work.. at a club?"

"i-" hyungwon was cut off short as he looked at his mum, anger and disappointment set in her eyes, "yes"

"and that's why you always go missing, isn't it?"


her slender yet slightly rough hands went to her head as she tried to calm herself down, hyungwon watching with a fear settling deep in his stomach.

finally calming down enough to speak, she asked "and those things they told me... about the drinks the drugs and the sex.. that's all true too?"

"i-i don't touch any of that b-but yes.."

another sigh.

"then what is it that you do?" her voice now much scratchier than before as she willed herself to calm down, to not cry, to be level-headed.

"i-i dj"

"you what?"

"i dj, the music.."

there was silence as hyungwon watched his mum, her face covered by her hands as she breathed in and out.

"okay. go to your room."

"m-mum i-"

"just go."

it was a tone hyungwon had barely ever heard and he was scared, he had lied to his mum and she had every right to be angry and so he did as he was told.

hyungwon walked up to his room, tears streaming down his face even though he didn't even know he was crying. his mother's tone, gaze and disappointment fresh in his mind as he slumped down besides his bed breaking down into sobs.


ending soon~~~ <3

next will will be good ;) .. hopefully ahahaa

and i'm super sorry that this took forever but i'm nearly finished with writing this book so i promise it will be updated soon!

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