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wonho's eyes widened at his own actions before he felt hyungwon's arms pulling the two closer, making wonho forget about the kiss as he tried his best to comfort the boy in his arms.

I looked down lovingly at the boy in front of me. boy, is he cute. the way his cheeks are slightly flushed and the way his eyes are shaking as they look up to me. the way his plump lips are quivering because of me. I love it.

my hands wander around his smooth skin until they reach his silky hair, wow, could hair even be this soft. my slender fingers play with his hair and I can see his eyes close for a few seconds. he looks so beautiful underneath me.

he tries to pull me off but I don't want to get off his lap so I start whining. the boy looks surprised as his lips part open and I can't help but snuggle closer into his embrace until I feel something hard against my thigh.

hyungwon wakes up with beads of sweat decorating his forehead. his hair that was styled up the previous night had long flattened down and the boy ran his fingers through his hair as he tried to make sense of his dream.

his head started to hurt, a dull pain emitting through his entire skull and he felt really thirsty, his dry throat was begging for water.

pushing the thin duvet off of him, he swung his leg out of his bed but he hissed in pain when it hit the hard floor roughly.

'what the'

finally opening his eyes, the boy then realised that he was not in his room and definitely not on his own bed. with a few more blinks the boy made out that it was changkyun's house. with a grunt, the boy proper himself up on his elbows when he heard a low groan.

hyungwon's big eyes widened at the sound and he immediately looked down to his left. the sudden movement made the beating pain in his head increase ten fold but another thing that was beating extremely fast was his heart.

on his left, lay a sleeping wonho with messy bed hair, lips parted and eyes closed. he looked so good that it was almost sinful.

a sudden thought struck hyungwon. 'last night wasn't a dream'

a warm hand fell on top of hyungwon's and the taller boy immediately retracted from the scene as he hurriedly trudged out of the room and into the kitchen. gulping down the cold water first, hyungwon then got a shock as he saw changkyun walking towards him.

"you awake?"

the deep, husky voice left shivers down the lanky boy's spine but that wasn't the only reason.

"y-yesterday... what happened?"

changkyun smirked and he took his time as he sat on the small wooden table.

"well," he started off with a smirk but then sighed as he looked on the panic-stricken look on his friends face, "well, you got drugged because of that boy and then you went all haywire"

"a-and what did I do?"

changkyun held in a stifle at hyungwon's face.

"you were all like 'mmmm' and super clingy and touchy," the boy replied as he imitated hyungwon's whinges from the previous night.

hyungwon groaned as his hands covered his face from the shame.

"I-I didn't do a-anything with him right?" hyungwon said, his voice weak, face still hidden behind his hands.

changkyun pretended to think for a moment, "well besides climbing onto his lap, touching his body and cuddling up to him, I guess no"

another groan left hyungwon's mouth as everything he did to wonho came rushing back to him, including the crying part.

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