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soft whines were coming out of hyungwon's plump lips as the taller boy's hand tangled themselves in wonho's hair. wonho's breath hitched a little as he felt slim fingers tug at his hair.


wonho jumped a little at the sound and he tried to detach himself from hyungwon to have a proper look at the car that had just beeped at them.

the car drove closer and wonho could see the driver was i.m.

"ooooh what have we got here?" i.m said with a wink and a suggestive tone.

wonho panicked for a little before he tried to explain.

"n-no it's not like that!"

i.m chuckled a little, "it's okay, i'm not gonna judge".

"no. it's really not like that", wonho said as he held hyungwon up, the taller boy wasn't making much effort to stand on his own, "someone drugged his drink and now he's like this"

i.m's face changed and he quickly got out of his car to check on his friend. i.m felt hyungwon's forehead before checking his pulse.

"how long ago was this?" he asked seriously, his low tone giving wonho shivers.

"uhh, maybe 20-30 minutes ago?" the boy replied.

i.m sighed in relief before he let go of hyungwon's arm.

"he should be alright then", i.m said, "his temperature isn't too bad and his pulse is pretty normal, a little fast but nothing too bad".

wonho nodded as hyungwon's long arms snaked their way to his neck, again giving the shorter boy shivers.

i.m shook his head before he mumbled, "he's usually not this careless".

wonho felt extremely guilty.

"i-it was because of me" he said lowly, his voice barely above a whisper.

i.m looked a bit shocked before a smirk stretched it's way onto his face.

"damsel in distress aye?" i.m said with a wink.

wonho's cheeks flamed up and his eyes were shaking.

"i'll give you a lift" i.m said, "to his house or yours?" the boy finished with a smirk.

wonho thought for a bit. hyungwon had seemed to have left his house secretly and even if he didn't, his mum would surely not like the idea of hyungwon turning up drunk in the middle of the night. wonho's parents also wouldn't like it and they would tell hyungwon's mum for sure.

"uhh" wonho mumbled after thinking, "can, can we go to your house?"

i.m looked a little confused at first but soon just nodded. i.m then helped wonho as they carried a blabbling hyungwon to the car. 

i.m got into the driver seat as he revved the engine up while wonho tended to hyungwon in the back seat. hyungwon was mumbling and was really fidgety making it hard for wonho. 

hyungwon's hands kept on clawing at wonho's singlet and wonho was having trouble trying to keep the taller boys hands off of his body. 

accepting that it was his fault that hyungwon was like this, wonho just gave up and looked out the window as he felt the cool breeze hit his face. it was nice and wonho was just enjoying the breeze when he felt hyungwon stir and in seconds the boy felt a warm body on his.

whipping his head back, wonho stared in shock at hyungwon who was currently cuddled up to him. hyungwon was on his knees as he sat comfortably in wonho's lap, his long arms wrapped around the shorter boy's body as his fingers grazed over the boy's exposed skin. hyungwon's head was settled snuggly in the crook of wonho's neck, moving every few seconds so that his sharp nose and plump lips could feel wonho's soft skin.

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