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"and now, may the contest begin!"

wonho had been in awe the whole time. he watched as groups of people, some solo, danced and pranced along the stage. he watched as boys, girls danced their hearts out to the music being played.

he watched as hyungwon manouvered his pretty hands along all the buttons. he watched as hyungwon bounced his head to the music. he watched as hyungwon truly enjoyed what he was doing.

both wonho and kihyun had drank some beer. they didn't want to but when a can of coke was nearly double the price of the beer, they settled in for it.

the club was by now filled with people and it made wonho feel slightly uncomfortable. the hot air created by the people and lights made him extremely thirsty and he had downed a few beers by now.

although he had tasted alcohol before when his parents had told him to practice, he had only taken a few sips so he didn't know his limits. both his parents were heavy weights and so he always assumed that he would be one too. the beer didn't even taste strong and so he assumed he would be fine.

the dance contest had ended 30 minutes ago and hyungwon had djed a few more songs before making his leave. now the place was filled with typical club songs. wonho looked around to see people grinding on each other and others making out. the heat of the club was starting to give him a headache.

holding onto kihyun's arm, wonho dragged him to a slightly less crowded area. 

"kihyun! let's leave!" wonho shouted as he tried to be louder than the music playing.

understanding, kihyun nodded as they then both decided to make their way out. but then a slightly buff hand landed on kihyun's shoulder.

both boys looked behind them to see shownu. shownu was a little red from the dancing before but wonho suspected it was also from something else. the taller boy's gaze kept jumping from kihyun to the floor and that's when wonho confirmed his suspicions. smirking he watched as kihyun and shownu were both nervously glancing at each other.

"uh, leaving so soon?" shownu said.

it sounded so robotic that wonho would have burst out laughing if the pain in his head wasn't getting worse.

"uh, yeah", kihyun replied, his voice low and cheeks dusted with a rosy red, raising his voice a little more he continued, "wonho isn't feeling too well so we will probably leave now"

wonho watched as shownu's face fell and kihyun's face filled with guilt and sadness. wonho being wonho, couldn't let that happen and so he coughed a little to get their attention.

"uh, i'm actually not feeling too bad so i can leave by myself" kihyun's eyes widened in concern and was about to say something when wonho spoke up again, "you guys can hang yeah? take care of my friend shownu! take him home yeah?!"

with that wonho shoved kihyun into shownu's arms before he walked off. he couldn't hear kihyun's calls over the loud music as he pushed past sweaty bodies to get out.

wonho finally felt a little better as he could feel the cool air hit his face. his insides felt wierd and he had the urge to vomit but his dizziness didn't help at all. breathing in and out, wonho staggered over to some seats that was further away from the club. he sat there for 10 more minutes before he decided he should probably go home. he looked at his phone to see that the time was 9:32PM before it blacked out. 

wonho groaned, how was he going to call a taxi or let alone anyone with no battery. the boy sighed before he got up, he would have to take a bus home. sometimes he put too much trust into his bestfriend who had taken him to this place and sometimes he regret it so much. he should have paid more attention to where kihyun had dragged him.

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