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- 3 months after - 

"arggggh, are you sure he's coming~~~~~?!?!?!"

wonho chuckled at jooheon's 5th outburst. they were all settled around a small table in jooheon's living room - that being wonho, jooheon, minhyuk, kihyun and shownu.

"even shownu is here!!!!" minhyuk whined.

it was minhyuk's birthday party and they were all waiting to cut the cake.

"he promised, he'll come" wonho said with a smile as the others all groaned.

wonho's group of friends had become closer to hyungwon after the two boys decided to date. at first the two had wanted to keep it slow and steady so they hadn't told anyone but one afternoon when jooheon had gone to buy flowers at the local florist, he saw the pair holding hands as they fed each other ice cream.

after that, their whole group of friends knew about the two but of course, agreed to keep it between themselves.

the doorbell rang and jooheon impatiently got up to open the door.

the others chuckled as they heard jooheon grumbling about how late the lanky boy was.

the sound of the door opening could be heard before jooheon ran back to the living room, cheeks visibly pink but before anyone could ask what had happened, two boys walked towards them.

"oh hey" hyungwon said, voice still a little soft as he smiled at his friends, "i was late but i bought a friend, i hope that's okay minhyuk"

the friend smiled and waved a little, "hey i'm i.m but you can call me changkyun - i don't really mind".

minhyuk smiled, "hey! i'm minhyuk, the one over there is wonho, that short one is kihyun and the one next to him is shownu," minhyuk stopped for a second as he made obvious winks towards the two boys just mentioned, making kihyun and shownu blush, "not official yet but working towards it, oh and that one is jooheon"

everyone waved and exchanged greetings while jooheon shyly waved, resulting in changkyun giving him a wink.

"can we cut the cake yet?!?!?!!?!" minhyuk yelled.

"yes!!" everyone shouted together before laughing.

"oh wait, the wishes!" hyungwon said hastily.

a few candles were quickly put in and lit up as minhyuk yelled for everyone to wish for one thing, pointing at wonho, the boy started off.

"umm now that we have graduated high school, i wish we can all go down the paths we want and stay happy and healthy"

a few sounds of both disapproval and approval were heard and wonho only laughed, knowing that everyone thought the same.

hyungwon's turn, "i wish that everyone will be together for years and years to come" turning around he grabbed wonho's hand before interlocking their fingers.

"umm i wish for us all to be succesfful and happy in whatever we choose to do and always love and support each other," kihyun said, his smile bright and loving.

"i... everyone said something for all of us but, i'm going to be selfish and say something for myself," shownu started off before turning around to look at kihyun ,"kihyun, would you be my boyfriend?"

loud cheering could be heard as kihyun nodded, his cheeks still as red as ever. motioning for jooheon to take his turn, kihyun hid in shownu's embrace.

"uhh.. you guys all said the good stuff," jooheon whined before shrugging, "well i guess i also want to meet someone??"

"i can make that happen," changkyun said out loud with another wink and smirk, sending jooheon into a mental frenzy.

"oh god, am i the only one that doesn't have a love life here??!?!! urgh whatever i'm cutting the cake!!!!!!"


all the boys had passed out and were either sprawled on the carpet or on the sofas, only wonho and hyungwon were still awake as they decided to move to a spare room so that they could talk peacefully.

they were now cuddling in the bed as they recalled their past.

"you know, when you first approached me, i found you so annoying?" hyungwon said softly as he played with wonho's fingers that were wrapped securely around his waist.

hyungwon could feel the vibrations through wonho's chest when he hummed and chuckled.

"i know... i think i was a bit annoying"

"not a bit..." hyungwon sassily remarked, only to giggle as wonho looked down with a playful pout.

"but," hyungwon started off as he turned around to look up into wonho's eyes, "thank you... thank you for not giving up on me and helping me find and feel all these new things and emotions"

wonho placed a chaste kiss on the taller boy's forehead as he hummed.

"what kind of things?" wonho asked softly, his arms tightening around hyungwon.

"things i tried to hide.. happiness, friendship, freedom, being guilt-free and ... learning to love"

wonho hummed, a soft smile on his lips as he slipped further down so that he could face hyungwon.

"and who taught you to love, hey?" he said in a hushed voice that didn't hide his playfulness.

hyungwon smiled too, "i don't know... maybe you"

soft laughter could be heard in the room as the two boys relaxed and just enjoyed being in each other's embrace.

"this moment is so perfect," hyungwon said, his voice merely a whisper, not wanting to ruin the moement, "i wish time stopped"

"i don't" wonho said, staring into hyungwon's eyes, "if time stopped, then we wouldn't have the opportunity to make even better things happen right?"

hyungwon smiled, "yeah...i guess that's right too"

again they were content with just being together, until hyungwon got curious.

"what kind of better things?"

wonho's smile grew wider as he closed the distance, kissing hyungwon's pump lips.

"things like this" wonho whispered against hyungwon's lips, before they gently reconnected again.



this ending has got me soft

also.... does anyone want another bonus/extra chapter???? I kind of want to write one but if no one is interested then I'll just end it like this and won't write one~ 



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