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with that, wonho walked ahead at a fast pace as he willed himself to not cry. but, it was hard when all your sincerity and genuine feelings had just been stomped over and treated like rubbish, only to be thrown into your face again.  

"wonho! you're gonna be late!"

wonho's mum barged into her son's room as she shouted at him.

"I knew you would go back to this state" she sighed "you woke up so early before but now," she shook her head as she sighed again.

hitting her son lightly she yelled at him to wake up until the boy stirred in his sleep. forcing her son to sit up properly, she walked downstairs to finish cooking the breakfast for the sleepy boy.

wonho rubbed his eyes and ruffled his own hair before hazily getting up and moving to his bathroom, picking up his toothbrush he looked up to see his appearance in the mirror. he wasn't surprised to see his red and puffy eyes staring back at him. 

splashing cold water onto his face repeatedly, the boy finally stopped when he realised that the puffiness wouldn't go away. running to change into his uniform, wonho stuffed his books into his backpack before running out his door and downstairs.

"mum, i'll skip breakfast!" he shouted as he looked at the clock to see there was less than 20 minutes till school started.

wonho could hear his mum's objections as he ran out of the house but ignored them as he continued to run. the boy ran till the convenience store where he stopped to catch his breath for a few seconds before rushing in. the boy took big steps to the back of the store and grabbed a sandwich and banana milk before rushing to pay for it.

in the midst of the rush, the boy  didn't even notice someone staring at him the whole time.


it was lunch now and wonho was glad that he had bought his breakfast or he would have probably starved in class. 

as they left the room, kihyun glanced at wonho and back to hyungwon. the tension between the two boys was so strong and so obvious. hyungwon had stared blankly out the window, which wasn't unusual but wonho had also stared at his book the entire lesson.

the two seemed to refuse to look at each other. the redness of both boy's eyes was also a dead giveaway. pulling wonho into the bathroom, kihyun waited till the bathroom was relatively empty before he asked wonho what was on his mind.

"what happened between you and hyungwon?"

wonho was evidently startled and he tried to hide it as he scratched the back of his neck and looked away, "nothing" he replied.

kihyun rolled his eyes before he grabbed wonho's arm, "I've known you a for a long time so don't even think about lying to me".

wonho gulped a little, he didn't know what to say.

"I know you cried wonho"

alarmed, wonho looked into the mirror to see that the redness had faded but the puffiness had not.

"dammit" he cursed silently.

"and by the looks of it, hyungwon cried too"

wonho's head shot up at this. "hyungwon? no way he cried" wonho said finding this totally unbelievable.


kihyun was cut off when hyungwon walked into the toilets and a sudden silence fell upon the three boys. kihyun was about to approach hyungwon but the boy quickly walked into the closest toilet stall making kihyun sigh in defeat. 

"come on" wonho said, his voice weak.



hyungwon looked up to see kihyun walking towards him but he looked down to his lap, not wanting to engage in any sort of conversation.

kihyun stopped in front of hyungwon who was sitting cross-legged on the floor of their schools rooftop. he crouched down so that he was at eye level with the other boy.

"hyungwon... I know you probably don't want to talk to me and I know that I have no right to interrupt in your life but right now i'm here for my friend...for you as well," kihyun said, saying the last bit with sincerity. 

"I don't know what happened between you and wonho but I can tell it's serious if the two of you are just walking around like brooding men. wonho, I know wonho can seem to be a bit annoying and nosy but I want to tell you that he is actually very emotional and sincere. at first when he told me that he wanted to be friends with you, I also had my doubts... but even I could feel his sincerity, i'm sure you would have felt it too right?"

there was no answer and so kihyun just sighed a little again.

"I guess the reason i'm here is to clear any misunderstandings. I don't know for sure but I feel like you are... I guess, abusing wonho's feelings" kihyun paused a little before he continued, "I know that it's up to you whether you accept someone to be your friend or not so I really shouldn't be saying anything but... wonho is being genuine so I hope you take this as an opportunity. for you to accept someone, befriend them and open up. i'm sorry if you don't want to hear what i'm saying but I just had to"

"also I don't want you or wonho to be sulking and crying like three year olds so if the two of you could talk about whatever your problem is, that would be much appreciated okay?" kihyun finished trying to light up the atmosphere a little.

kihyun slowly stood up as he felt the familiar pain in his knees from crouching so long, he looked at hyungwon one last time before walking off hoping that his talk with hyungwon would at least help the two boys in some way.


trudging back home, hyungwon unlocked his front door as he walked in, just wanting to forget and block all his feelings from affecting him. as he got to the stairs he could hear his mother walking towards him.

"chae hyungwon! did you get into a fight at school?!"


I wanted to focus a bit on the character's back story so sorry if you found this to be a little slow :/ 
I hope everyone is having a great time~!

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