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Homer the Traveler:


3:29 AM



I've been reading the caption for how many times and I noticed one thing

I don't know if it's accidental or you intended to do it

I don't care if you're not awake but I just want to clarify something--like I can't put this unanswered and maybe I'll forget about this later

"So I told her...But only those sweet adjectives that I have told her. Not those words I intended to say." This was the last part and I unknowingly checked all those adjectives written within the poem especially those adjectives with capital letter in the first. Those are "L-I-E-S"

I supposed you really didn't tell her the good things you see about her cause you said "Not those words I intended to say" That's where I suspected that you told her lies...?

What have you done??

I mean what did you do to "the" girl or what have you said to her?

Read 3:07 AM

Homer the Traveler:

Good morning


You're awake!

Homer the Traveler:

And kicking

And about the girl...

Well I can't say those words to her...yet

Well...I have told her about it once but she still didn't know those other best things about her

It seems like she's being oblivious about herself


I don't know what your reasons are but I think you should tell her about what you wanted to say

What I have learned in life is that when you want to do or say the things you want, do it now and no procrastination. We never know what will happen until you never have the chance to do it

Homer the Traveler:

This literally made me smile and I remember the blog you posted about chances. I didn't know that the time will come that I'll make use of your words

But before you even told me about this chances...I have made up my mind already. I am going to do it


Yeah, you should

Homer the Traveler:

You are an angel


In the shape of my mom

Homer the Traveler:

😂😂😂😂 Supermarket Flowers by Ed Sheeran?

You may not know, but you really are


The beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, as what they say. But thanks!

Been wanderin these days?

Homer the Traveler:

Well, this week is my rest week but I have been visiting Tagaytay


WHAT!? Me too!

Homer the Traveler:

Yeah...been staring at you being lost in the place





Homer the Traveler:

I always notice, you're more serious when you call me Homer


Cause I am!

Have you been stalking me?

Homer the Traveler:

You're a dreamer but no...just found out it was you


Don't talk to me! Why didn't you tell me?

How did you find out?

Homer the Traveler:

Well, one of the things how I got your phone number


I don't understand!! And it frustrates me!

Homer the Traveler:

Forget it! 😂😂😂😂

Still gonna wait for the sunrise?

[Read 4:20 AM]


[Read 4:23 AM]

Okay...good morning, Zen

Maybe we'll see each other in Tagaytay?


Not gonna happen!

Homer the Traveler:


Read 4:26 AM

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