
132 7 4

Homer the Traveler


Today, 5:09 AM


Everytime I look at the sky, I think of you
And I've been looking at it most of the time

Just got out from work, btw and on my way to my father's private room in the hospital

I don't care if you don't/can't read this at the moment

I just feel better when I am like this even though no one's replying to me

There's just no one to keep me calm right now

Just let me pretend I am talking to someone right now

8:47 AM


How bad can liver cancer be?

This is nothing
Just a thought

I just can't sleep

6:13 PM


December is fast approaching

I think we have to suffer for a while for having no sunsets and sunrises

I will gonna miss them

It's that time of the year where we just lock ourself in our rooms because there's no reason to be out of it

It's just me, I think
Cause you wander everywhere

7:49 PM


Can I really do this?

Liver cancer is a non invasive disease but it feels like I feel what my father feels when I am with him

I should probably be preparing for work right now

I should

11:50 PM


Make sure to bring some souvenirs for me

11:59 PM


How long has it been since you were away?

3...4 days?

Homer the Traveler:

Miss me?

Read 12:00 AM

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