The World

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As I was basking in the warmth of the sunset, I could not stop thinking of how the things have been doing.

"Hey, you didn't wait for me."

Smiling and chuckling, I looked back at him coming towards me, holding the food he just cooked, and sat beside me. He put his arm around my shoulders and I instantly leaned my head on his chest. We are sitting on my bed while watching our favorite show.

This has been our favorite show every time it appears during late afternoon.

"May nabasa pala ako..." rinig kong sabi niya. I looked up at him.

"What was it?"

"Hate to spoil your feelings but this is heartbreaking and believe me, it broke me, too."

"Ano 'yon?" I asked and get a handful of homemade chips.

"It says that the brighter the sunset is, the more the air is polluted. It's like pollution contributes the brightness of the sunset."

I looked at our favorite show, the sunset. I can say, it really has been getting brighter...and getting more beautiful, sadly.

"I guess you cannot create beauty without damage," I said as I smile sadly. He tighten his hold on me. He did it again. He kissed the side of my head, embracing me more. I just closed my eyes. He could really make me forget anything right at that moment when he do this.

"What are we gonna do tomorrow? It's Sunday. Minsan na lang tayo nagkakasama."

Apparently, he got a job in a restaurant. He is a chief cook there but only for dinner. During before dinner, he always do what he wants to do, reaching zenith, as what he always call it. He goes somewhere but not that far away because he has work and when he doesn't, he stays at my unit. We only meet at early morning and two hours before midnight, right after my work as a pharmacist.

My forehead creased at his statement. "Dito ka naman palaging umuuwi." He leaned back from me.

"Then were else should I go home? Do I have other home other than you?" Cat got my tongue. He grinned and pulled me closer. "That's why you don't have a choice but to welcome me here."

Ever since we are together, he has this routine to stay at my unit with me until the day came that I let him sleep here, on the couch, which he insisted. Though his things are still in his unit. He only comes here to be with me and sleep.

"Okay lang. Makakain naman ako nang masarap. So yeah, it's fine," I said and hugged him.

We were still in each other's arms when he talked. "Shall we go to Rizal?"

Squinted eyes, I glared at him. "You mean mountain climbing? Trekking?" His lips formed into thin line and slowly nod. "I am not mentally and physically prepared, Homer!"

"You have day off on Monday, diba? We can come back Monday night."

"That's not the case—"

"Oh, then we go for it," he immediately stood up and looked for something

"Ang sabi ko hindi ako prepared." He stopped looking and turned to me. His faced turned gloomy and sat down.

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