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Homer the Traveler


Today, 5:49 PM

Homer the Traveler:

All Souls Day is approaching, what are you going to do?


I usually go to my grandparents' grave in Pampanga with my parents then little reunion with them

Homer the Traveler:

Guess we're doing the same

Hey! Didn't expect you'd mention a place


Pampanga is big anyway, I know you'd never see me

Homer the Traveler:

Still wondering why you don't like us meeting each other


Still wondering how you got my number

Homer the Traveler:

Okay, you got me there 😂
But in the right time

Or...I'll tell you...if you want us to meet each other



Homer the Traveler:


Wanna meet?


What do we say to the god of death?

Homer the Traveler:

Not today


So someday, then?
Read 6:11 PM

6: 17 PM

Homer the Traveler:

Oh, come on, blogger!

You know I always take your word, right?

Anyway, the sunset is beautiful right now
Bet you're at work right now

I was wondering...can you also see the sunset from there?
Or you're working in a 4-walled room?

Just wonderin'

By the way, wanna see my sunset?



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You got me! 😤

Wow! Beautiful is an understatement for this! 😍😍

The last time I saw it was not this beautiful
Of course, I'm in the city so it should really be different

We really have different sunsets, I can say

Homer the Traveler:

We have different perspective of them



I should really stop staring down at my phone right now!
I still have work to do!
But why is this so beautiful? 😍

Homer the Traveler:


You should work now!

I'll just text you later!

A/N: photos are mine unless stated ☺️

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