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Homer the Traveler


Today, 4:11 AM

Homer the Traveler:



What happened?

Homer the Traveler:

I thought my message was sent the night I cooked dinner for you!

Sabi ko aalis ako patungo CDO with my travel buddies

Then I sent you another text that midnight!

I didn't know those texts were never sent. How come?!

And hindi ako nakapag-text sa'yo the following days since we were either underwater or a place that surrounds water and when we came back from the hotel we already passed out

And when I pick up my phone, my friends always snatch it from me


Chill! 😂😂

I reminded myself that if you're not replying or reading my texts, it means you're off to somewhere

Homer the Traveler:

I really sent you a message, believe it or not


😂😂 I believe you 😂😂

Don't be so worried about that

I'd be worried if something bad happens to you 😂

Homer the Traveler:

Don't say that, blogger, I might fall

Fall from the bed here


Why would you?

Homer the Traveler:

It's odd of you telling me you're worried cause it doesn't fit your personality of being recluse


Recluse, really?!😂

Why wouldn't I be? Dangerous and life-threatening na ang pinupuntahan mo

You know, it's weird finding out that someone has died whom you just used to text with

Homer the Traveler:

Died agad?!


It's better expecting the worse

Homer the Traveler:

Why are we like that? Expecting the worse?


Well...for me, if you're expecting something you want to happen, mostly, it is unlikely to happen so I'll just expect the worse then maybe good thing will come out

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