Excerpt from Zenith's blog

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Just like how the waves calmly crashing each other; just like how satisfying to listen the crickets at night; the feeling of having coffee in the morning. It is the same feeling of being enraptured when I'm with you. Just watching the sunset and it would be enough for the day.

I could still remember what I have told you. That it is not the colors of the sunset that made it so beautiful. It is how it makes us feel when it shows up. It just surprisingly pour our emotions out. I realized, I started to realize about it when I started talking with you during those exact moments.

There was one day, the sky turned to dusk and I asked you. "We are always the one who chases sunset. When will it be the one to chase us?" You smiled. You always do when I ask you about these things about the world.

And you'd pull me closer then kiss on the side of my head. You may not know but every time you do it, I always almost forget what I have just asked.

But then you answer, making me wake up from reverie.

"I think sunsets are just there. Lurking and waiting for its time to appear. We are just in the wrong side of the world every time it shows up. And when we remember it is its time, we'd chase it because we're craving the feeling it gives to us."

And right there I know. I know it when we tell each other "Have a Good World", it's like telling each other to sometimes create a world where nothing brings you down, somehow.

And I know you are already in that world.

I have already known it before. I am just so sure right now. 

Until right now, we are still chasing sunsets. We walk while we talk and stop when we see the dazzling sunset. Our mouths are no longer speaking but I know right at that moment, both of our hearts are already talking to each other and it is evident on our smiles and little laughs. There is still this feeling in the afterglow of the fray that we have gone through. It is like the sunset has been our rendezvous.

Yours truly,

Homer the Traveler


Today, 7:39 PM

Homer the Traveler:

What are you doing?


Drinking water, why?

Homer the Traveler:

I'm at your doorstep


Anong ginagawa mo dyan?
Go back to your unit upstairs

Homer the Traveler:

I just want to see you ☹️


We were together just twenty minutes ago

Homer the Traveler:



Huwag atat

Homer the Traveler:

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