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Homer the Traveler


Today, 5:39 PM


Your lil sis still there? Star?

Homer the Traveler:

Great timing 😁
Was about to text you

And no, she's being brought back to her mom


Just thought of her while watching the enticing sunset

Homer the Traveler:

Currently loving tibuk-tibuk, by the way! 😁


Glad you liked it!

Homer the Traveler:

When I went to Pampanga, I didn't get the chance to taste their specialty so I was really excited when you gave me them


You're welcome 😊

Homer the Traveler:




Homer the Traveler:

Are you in a hurry?
Am I disturbing you?


Not really 😊

I went to Pasay earlier then going to my work afterwards

Currently in a car going to my work

Homer the Traveler:

You're driving??


Nope! Just from a transportation app

Homer the Traveler:

Okay, I thought...


I just thought...if you're given a chance to choose to live anywhere in the world
Where would it be?

Consider this the continuation of the filling-in the slam book 😂

Homer the Traveler:

Anywhere where I feel home, where I don't have to be someone else I am not



Homer the Traveler:



Honestly, I want to be in a world where I am at peace with

But now that you talked about it...

It doesn't matter where you are, as long as you are with the people you are comfortable with and that you are contented

Homer the Traveler:

And these past several days, I think I already felt home
The home where I can take these things off my shoulder

Have you heard the song, "Home" by MGK, Bebe Rhexa and X Ambassadors?


Yeahh!! I kind of thought of you when I heard it the first time while working! I forgot to talk about it with you

Homer the Traveler:

We're going to talk about it now 😂

I felt like that song was made for me
Like finally! Someone has felt the same thing I feel



Just got out from the car
Will be working already

Take care always, talk again later?

Homer the Traveler:


I hope you can find the world where you can be at peace

Have a good world, Zen! 🌍


Have a good world, too 🌍

Homer the Traveler:

That was a great Sunset! 🌇


It's amazing to see how was the sun burned with fury and let his anger radiate the sky then it has gradually faded and has left with little marks until it has completely gone😍

Homer the Traveler:

Let's call it a day, he says
Even though he left...at least he leaves with a beautiful reminder in our world
That no matter what, there is still something beautiful in the world and let's still be hopeful for tomorrow for another beauty

Take care! ☺️

Read 6:13 PM

Home by Machine Gun Kelly, Bene Rexha and X Ambassadors

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