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Homer the Traveler


Today, 2:32 AM

Homer the Traveler:

Hoped you have eaten dinner already even if it's 2 already
Doesn't matter if you can't reply, I just want to express my thoughts


Yes, I have, thanks for being thoughtful

Homer the Traveler:

You've responded, didn't expect that
Still working?


Yeah, I just noticed my phone beeped and I thought it was important

Homer the Traveler:

So...I am important?


I don't know, I just thought you have to know I have eaten dinner already

Homer the Traveler:

Come on, Zen! You have to know!
Am I that important to you? That you have to reply to me in the middle of working time? 😏


Whatever you say
At least I let you know

Homer the Traveler:

Okay, I won't force myself 😔

By the way, I thought your dismissal is at 5 am
How come you slept yesterday at 2 am?

Sorry for really disturbing you, but I wanted to know


I excused myself because I wasn't feeling well

Homer the Traveler:

You should've told me!

Please let me know, next time

Continue to work now, whatever your work there
Still guessing here, by the way



Homer the Traveler:

By the way, I will be resting for the rest of the hours for our next destination at 7, hope you'll be doing okay


I will 🙂
You should rest now, you only have 4 hours

Homer the Traveler:

Been used to it
I will be coming back tonight by the way, talk to you later



Homer the Traveler:

Why do I keep receiving that "like" emoji?
Do you like me? 😉


No, I don't
Rest now, traveler

Homer the Traveler:

Have a GOOD WORLD, blogger

Still waiting for your blog posts, noticed you haven't posted for a while now


I don't know why also...
Have a GOOD WORLD, traveler

Homer the Traveler:

I always will 😊

Read 2:48 AM

5:19 AM

Homer the Traveler:

Just woke up and will prepare for the next adventure


Take care!

Homer the Traveler:

I will 😊 and you, too

Read 5:20 AM

9:17 PM

Homer the Traveler:

Hey! Have just arrived from Palawan

Bet you're still working

Anyway, I will just rest since I don't have other things to do other than talking with you

10:23 PM

Homer the Traveler:


I am here in the Philippines and so are you
In fact, we are in the same region, same city, and damn, same condo building
Yet, we're like living in separate world right now

I still find it amusing how you can reply at my texts in the middle of your working hours tho and I love it

I guess I'll talk to you later this midnight...or morning?

Read 3:21 AM

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