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Homer the Traveler


Today, 5:42 PM

Homer the Traveler:

There you go again with your hoodie


There you go again, stalking

Homer the Traveler:

There you go again, assuming 😂
But I was glad I saw you


I was going for a walk

Homer the Traveler:

I was about to say to invite me next time but I know you wouldn't


Still can't forget my fav hoodie which got lost

Homer the Traveler:

It will be found when you're not looking, as what you have said 😂



Are you watching the sunset right now?

Homer the Traveler:



I don't know but every time I watch it I always remember the picture you wanted me to see

Homer the Traveler:

And the picture is the first thing I see every time I wake


When will you give it to me?

Homer the Traveler:

In the right time and perfect moment


Now that you've mentioned it, I really don't know when is that right time and perfect moment

When can we say if that's really the perfect time?

Homer the Traveler:

Don't know also



Have you realized that sometimes or most of the times, we can only say that's the perfect moment when it already happened? When we have already evaluated and concluded the result?

Do you understand?

Homer the Traveler:

Every word, Zen, every word

And yeah, you're right and it's like you're implying that there is no right time and perfect moment..?

But maybe, people who always wait for right times and perfect moments are the ones who still haven't built the courage to face it

Read 5:52 PM

5:59 PM

Homer the Traveler:

You doing?


Listening songs while watching sunset?

Homer the Traveler:

Really? What song you are currently listening to?


Sunset Lover 😊

Homer the Traveler:

Addicted? 😂😂


Your fault, you introduced me to this

Homer the Traveler:

Okay...should I be sorry?



Actually, thank you for introducing me to this

Homer the Traveler:

You're welcome, my lady


It's been forever since you've called me that

Homer the Traveler:

Seems like it is

Read 6:08 PM

6:19 PM

Homer the Traveler:

I just thought...why don't we start to build our courage? We don't know, maybe, this our time to start building our courage to face whatever made us afraid

6:29 PM

Homer the Traveler:

Still there?
You're not reading my message
Seems like you're busy

7:12 PM

Homer the Traveler:

Just reply if you have read my message

Have you fallen asleep?

7:28 PM

Homer the Traveler:

You're making me worry
Reply if you got this, please

8:12 PM

Homer the Traveler:

Sorry, I didn't think you still have to work tomorrow and I didn't even think that you might haven't slept well because of your work

Good night, text me right after you read this ☺️

Have a GOOD WORLD! 🌍

Read 2:39 AM

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