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Homer the Traveler


Today, 2:32 AM

Homer the Traveler:

Hey! Good world! Hope you're doing fine 😊


No matter how I convince myself that the world is fine, I cannot

Homer the Traveler:

Sometimes, Blogger Zen, we are the ones who create our desired world for us not to suffer in the real world

Escape, you know 😉


Yeah...you're right

Homer the Traveler:

I mean it's really okay to be aware of the world we are living right now


Well, I guess you have a really good world there
You got to see the good things in the world

And maybe you got to feel the thing I longed every time

Homer the Traveler:

Care to remind me what was it?



Homer the Traveler:

What do you mean by having peace in the things I see?


Well...you've got to see the world from the top of the mountain, bet every person who gets to be there feel at peace

And here I've got to see people who are not making any sense like they didn't care the world's frailty

My World, Homer! I'm getting crazy!

Homer the Traveler:

What's making you crazy??


Sometimes, I think I'm no fun

And maybe this is the reason why I got no friends at all

I always see the bad side of the world, the cruelness and all

When I see people do frivolous things, I always hate it
And sometimes I think that I'm just jealous because they don't care about what everyone thinks and feels about her/him and most especially they have someone to do silly things with

Homer the Traveler:

What do you call me?



Homer the Traveler:

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