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Homer the Traveler


Today, 6:31 AM

Homer the Traveler:

Good morning! The sunrise is blinding


Yeah, but beautiful

Homer the Traveler:


You doing?


Going to work

Homer the Traveler:

Now, information received

Tell me more...


Another information is.......I'm going late

Don't you have things to do right now?

Homer the Traveler:

No...actually, my schedule depends on me


Wow, I wish that works on me but it doesn't

Homer the Traveler:

Well, do you know that it's actually you who decides what you want to do? You are the one who decides your schedule

Okay, you have work but it's up to you if you go to it or not...in the end, it's actually you who decides what you do right now and makes what you will be


And suffer the consequences?

Homer the Traveler:

Don't mind the consequences, just mind how you felt when you did that certain thing

Cause sometimes the consequences are worth it


Thank you for reminding me, Homer and good morning! 🙂

Homer the Traveler:

Have an aesthetic day!


I will

Read 6:47 AM

5:34 PM

Homer the Traveler:

I bet you have an aesthetic day right now


Yeah, right at this moment

Homer the Traveler:

I won't bother you then...you might miss how the sun goes down if you always look down on your phone

Manila Bay has the nice view of sunsets, it reminds me of one of the best day at the exact place

Stop looking around...you might miss the beauty of the sunset

That's it

Don't look down on your phone


I remember the picture of sunset you wanted me to see

Homer the Traveler:

Can't believe you have a sharp memory


When will you send it to me?

Homer the Traveler:


What are you listening?


Sunset Lover - Petit Biscuit

Thank you for introducing me to this music

Homer the Traveler:

I think that music is made for you


I think so

Do you know the feeling of uneasiness?

Homer the Traveler:



It's like I'm in an action or thriller movie and like I'm being watched or something

Homer the Traveler:

And he's texting you 😂😂😂😂



I'm going

Don't you ever follow me!

Homer the Traveler:

I won't 😂😂😂😂

Even if I don't follow you, I still find you whenever I want to walk around during my rest days



Homer the Traveler:

You should rest well, you look tired and it makes me wonder what your work is


I tell you, I find my work ironic

Homer the Traveler:

I won't agree if you don't tell me what your work is 😂😂


Going now...

Homer the Traveler:

Don't use your phone while going back home, baka nakawan ka


Okay, and I hope you will finally find your home 🙂

Read 6:09 PM


Sunset Lover - Petit Biscuit⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️

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