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Homer the Traveler


Today, 5:42 AM

Homer the Traveler:

So much chaos in this world


Oh, you've heard about it? Or..?

Homer the Traveler:

Yeah, I have
Tragic news


I'm afraid chaos will become a normal thing in the world
What a world!

Homer the Traveler:

Where did you get the information about the suicide?


On twitter

Homer the Traveler:

Didn't know you use that one


It's very depressing sometimes because of some posts of the netizens but I encourage myself to be open-minded with all the things posted on the social media for me to be able to understand and respect their point and be aware of how they think

Homer the Traveler:

It's just that the world is full of insincerity and lies, injustices and pretending people


I can't blame for those pretending people, Homer, because sometimes you just have to pretend in order to live in this world

I just feel a deep sorrow knowing suicide is their default choice when they already feel heavy or they feel they couldn't be saved anymore because of too much and constant drowning from loneliness

Homer the Traveler:

Fair point well made

Sometimes I just want to be on top of the mountain because that's the only time I feel my problems and the problems in the world small by its solace and vastness
And this was the only time I can find reasons to hope for something wonderful that could happen in the world


☺️ I am hoping I can try that and let's turn hope to work
Let's work it out

Homer the Traveler:

You should 😉
And yes! Let's work it out



Homer the Traveler:

What is that for?


I have just exhaled my negative thoughts

Homer the Traveler:

Whatever it is...burn them down
We promised to be a part of positivity

How are you this morning?


Fine and getting better

Homer the Traveler:

Wondering what we could do about the things happened in the world 🤔


I think you have just contributed something wonderful in the world

Homer the Traveler:

I can't remember doing something wonderful in the world so please elaborate ☺️


By just posting your photos of the view from the top of the hill
It's like you're telling them not to worry anything because the world is big for your small problems

You can't be just staying in the world where you create and build demons

Homer the Traveler:

I didn't know I already did that

First of all, I was just saving myself then
And now didn't expect everyone to do the same I did

Well, I wish some people thought the same thing


I know they would
Read 6:01 AM

6:09 AM

Homer the Traveler:

I feel drained



Homer the Traveler:

I feel weightless like I have been when I am already on top of the mountain


That's good!

Homer the Traveler:

Like I gradually take away my burdens on the way to the top until I don't feel heavy anymore



Homer the Traveler:

Like the feeling when I'm talking with you

Read 6:11 AM

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