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Homer the Traveler


Today, 5:12 AM

Homer the Traveler:

It's ludicrous how our conversation turns cold like how the season changes

Make sure to put your hoodie on

4:24 PM

Homer the Traveler:

I'll think about it

Wrong send

My old friend just invited me to come in Ilocos Norte
That's why

What do you think about it?
Should I go?

Never mind, I'll just pass
Maybe I'll go if I've already talked to you

Please talk to me noooww

You're not even reading my messages 😕

10:29 PM

Homer the Traveler:

Really, Zen

What made you say things like that?

We never had a problem about what I am and what you are

We were okay of what we have right at the moment
You, me, and the sunset
Even the sunrise

I wanted to go back to those days
And talk about how different your sunset from mine when I'm in my travel days

Talk about the cancers in the world that were really bothering us or just the things we have in our chaotic minds

I still want to cook food for someone, specifically, you
I don't know, but most of the times when I am cooking for you, I just came up of another dish I haven't even made before

I still want to talk about how the world is doing, with you

I still want to talk about other things with you

11:02 PM

Homer the Traveler:

Have a Good World! 🌍

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