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By Khikxz

"Everything happens for a reason" is a very common cliche but to ponder things out, there may be instances when we ask why certain things happened or exist. Perhaps one question that comes within our mind is why do men have nipples if its primary function is to secrete milk from female mammals' mammary gland (breast), and that men do not perform breast feeding?

Just a quick review, some if not most of us have a background about genetics. We are also quite familiar with "chromosome", which contains DNA which will dictate how and what behavior and characteristics an organism would possess. An egg cell will always carry X-chromosome meanwhile sperm cell may have X-chromosome and Y-chromosome. Our gender will depend from which sperm successfully fertilize the egg cell (ovum). Egg cell (X-chromosome) + sperm (X-chromosome) will result to a female offspring, however an egg cell (X-chromosome) + sperm (Y-chromosome) will result to a male offspring.

Basically, a zygote (fertilized egg cell) will have two letter combination either XX (female) or XY (male), but there are cases when it has one letter or three letters. As we could see, We have a common X-chromosome from our biological mother's egg cell which means during our initial development we follow a common blueprint. We first followed the blueprint provided by the X-chromosome, which would result to a feminine characteristics, and the development of nipples could be observed.

We could somehow say that we all started as female, but later on the Y-chromosome from the biological father's sperm cell which provided or added the masculine characteristics unto the embryo to a fetus and eventually a baby.

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