Is Water Really Wet?

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This issue has been circulating for a very long time and we can actually see people having a debate about this subject matter. Is water really wet?

To have a fair insight, we will be talking about why some people believe that water is wet and why did some believe that water isn't wet at all.

According to people who believe that water is wet, the water itself is actually wet because water molecules are surrounding other water molecules. The definition of wet according to them is to be filled or wrapped in a water molecules so therefore, water surrounding itself will make the water wet but a single water molecule alone isn't wet.

On the other hand, there are also a group of people who believe that water isn't really wet. According to them, water is what makes things wet. They mentioned an analogy that fire isn't on fire, the house can be on fire so therefore, fire isn't on fire and water isn't wet. We use the term wet whenever something touched water. It is a feeling or sensation whenever we get wet (submerged, sprinkled) with water.

Both have great insights but personally, I believe that water isn't wet. How can a thing that makes something wet can actually wet itself? The fire is burning but it doesn't mean that the fire itself is on fire, the wood that we use to start a fire is on fire but the fire itself isn't on fire. It is just the same with water, I'm not saying that water is dry but the water itself isn't wet. May sound a bit confusing but that's how things work. Haha!

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