The Devil Within Us

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By Grimlocker

Everybody has a darkside, most don't even leave a trace.
This is a story

" Back in my highschool, I had a friend named Lucy. She's a kind happy person and always had a bully. She always wears thick glasses and acne fill up her face too, Lucy is a loner, the definition of aint cool. So she dealing with them bullies yeah the pick on her, shove her in her locker the teacher aint doing sh*t for her, her daddy doing worse she gets drunk and hits on her, takes it out on Lucy cause Lucy's mother done and split on him.Her only sanctuary is her notebook spilling out her dreams, yeah she calls it her hope book, only thing that keeps her moving only thing that keeps her living, only thing that keeps her dreaming lost but she's still pursuing. This is where the story turns, yeah where it gets fatal, Lucy was at school at the lunch table, lost in her notebook, writing in her hopebook, when a bully at another table stopped and gave her cold looks. The approached her, joking, pushing, poked her, one kid grabbed her book another kid choked her. Damn, they started reading and laughed while Lucy's weeping, Lucy's heart tore when she seen them tore it to pieces. She couldn't believe it stormed out of the school was running back to her home her daddy asleep in the room, she snucked up under the bed she grabbed the gun and filled it with bullets with all the dark thoughts filling her head. So she went back to the school with the gun in her bag, she about to spill every ounce of pain the she had, so she went into the lunch room remorse for nobody, Lucy finally kill every freaking body, School Shooter. Now everybody crying while the bullets shoot flying, aint nobody safe even teachers is down and Lucy blacked out she's so deep in her mind, she see a body she just keep on firing like pow, pow, damn there goes another one down. Another shot another couple of rounds, it's crazy aint it Lucy finally found peace in herself turned the gun and she murdered herself" -Poodieville (School Shooter)

Almost every year, school shooting is happening at a fast rate in the U.S. One of the cause is bullying, so if you see anyone who is being bullied, stand up and help them before it's too late. Columbine High School school shooting, Sandy Hook school shooting, Connecticut school shooting and many more are the examples of the worst effect of bullying. Three of my friends died from this cause also. We can prevent more nonsense death from happening if we stop bullying.

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