Chapter 1: White lie(part 1)

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1 and 1/2 Year After:

The bell rang and kids swarmed the school halls, happy that it's Friday and that they don't have to wake up early tomorrow and attend school. Five freshmen made their way towards their lockers as they chatted. "I'm just saying, Lucas! If Rambo and John Matrix came head to head Rambo will win!" – A curly headed boy argued with another boy. "John Matrix was a Special Forces soldier!" – Lucas, the other boy argued back. "So was Rambo! Rambo was in Nam as well and what was John trough?" – Dustin spat back. "John killed over 100 people in Commando with guns! You have to admit that was pretty cool!" – Lucas continued to prove his point on why John Matrix will defeat Rambo in a battle. "Yeah, but Rambo slaughtered whole armies by himself!" – Dustin quickly talked back. They were debating for weeks now which caused the rest of their "party" to roll their eyes every time the subject was brought up.

Their party consisted of Lucas, Dustin, Will, Mike and Max. They also had another member that didn't go to their school because she was home schooled, El or now known around Hawkins as Jane the daughter of Chief Jim Hopper. It came as a surprise to a lot of people that Chief Hopper decided to adopt a girl out of nowhere! There were a lot of theories around his sudden daughter. Some said that he felt lonely and sad so he adopted a girl to keep him company. Others said that he just needed someone to clean up after him. Nobody knew what was the reason that made Jim adopt Jane. And nobody will ever know!

A year and a half ago, things were much different. The lab that was located in the town's region was closed down because Hawkins very own Barb Holland was killed by poisonous waste that came from the lab. Everyone was in shock and since then they were not so keen about new people coming to their town and settling down. They didn't want another Barb to be reported. Since there was justice for Barb, everyone forgot about the disappearance of Will Byers that happened before Barb's death. Everyone forgot the "Zombie Boy" to which Will was very thankful for.

The kids approached their lockers. Will and Mike were locker neighbours and Max was just a few lockers away from Will. "Have you seen El?" – Mike asked Will. Will's mom and El's dad were in a "just friends" relationship, but it was more than obvious that Hopper had feelings for Joyce, but she was still mourning over Bob, Bob Newby, the hero! "Not since last week, but they're coming for dinner tomorrow night!" – Will informed the curious boy. Even though El was free and can live a peaceful life, she had a lot of school to catch up on which restricted her to hang out with them as much as she and they want. Everyone hoped that next year El will join them to school, but as things were right at the moment she couldn't join school for another two years.

"Where are we meeting tonight? We can go at the diner and then go to the movies." – Lucas asked. It became their tradition to go to the local diner Jack's. They would get milkshakes, fries and burgers than go to the arcade and play their favourite games! But, these recent months a lot of great movies came out in theatres and they couldn't miss them for the world! Even El sometimes joined them. When they went to the movies snacks was first on their agenda, of course after getting the tickets. Popcorn, coke and numerous sweets were bought! Of course, Mike being the gentleman he is always bought these things for him and Eleven. They sat together at every movie El came to see with them. He would pretend to yawn and stretch his arms so he can put one arm behind Eleven slowly guiding her in his embrace. As for Lucas and Max as time passed by, so did their fling. The "electricity" wasn't there anymore. Dustin on the other hand, was quite the player. He inherited all of Steve Harington's reputation, including his famous hair. But, Dusty was the same Dusty he was a year and a half ago. He never let all the attention and girls separate him from his friends. As for Will, he was known as the sweet kid that was shy and spoke only when he was asked something.

"The party" was never bullied when they started freshman year which was unusual for them. Back in middle school they were the weird bunch, now they're considered normal! Something about the people of Hawkins made them realise that they need to stay tight as a community, so there was no bullying anymore! This meant peace for the party, no more Troy and James to ruin the mood.

"Let's meet in front of Mike's house. It's closer to Jake's." – Dustin suggested. "Okay! Regular time?" - Mike asked as he closed his locker and turned around to face his friends. "Yup. 7pm, on the dot!" – Lucas confirmed and with that they exited the school. Hopper's car was waiting outside for Will. He had his chief hat low and sunglasses on as he smoked away a cigarette. The kids stared at him as he slowly took out his cigarette and gave them a greeting gesture with his hat to which they only nodded with their heads. Will said goodbye to his friends and ran towards Jim's car. Max looked around the parking lot and saw her brother waiting outside for her. She said her goodbyes and made her way towards dark navy car. As for the rest of them, they got on their bikes and paddled towards their houses. 

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