Chapter 2: A flash of Remembrance (Part 7)

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Steve drove up the dark road leading to the Byers' house. After their emotional breakdown, Dustin and he agreed that they will discuss it further on a different day. As soon as the headlights hit the house, Will ran out of the house with his dog trailing behind and El at the door waving the two boys over. Joyce was standing behind the girl dressed in a black turtle neck and pink denim dress. Half of her hair was up in a scrunchie on top of her head and she wore Reebok trainers with some white socks. Will wore his signature flannel and pants. His old worn out sneakers that were a hand-me-down from Jonathan were on his feet because Joyce was saving up money to get him new ones. They were supposed to be his birthday present, so since Joyce didn't save enough money in time they'll be bought for him later on.

Dustin and Will bro-hugged and Dustin petted Will's dog on the head in a greeting manner. Steve left the car and rested his hands on the top of the car. "Thanks Steve! I'm gonna call you if I need you to pick me up!"- Dustin waved Steve off as he ran towards the house to give Jane a big bear hug, the one that she loved the most! There was something special for her when Dustin hugged her. She had a feeling that he cared for her more than everyone else. Not in a "boyfriend-girlfriend" type of caring, but in a sibling style one! And he really cared about the girl that was waving Steve goodbye. Like a sister, of course! Steve and Jane were Dustin's siblings that he never had. He always wanted a big brother that will give him advice and protect him and care for him, but also he wanted a younger sister that he can give advice to and protect. In a way, it worked out for the curly headed boy and all of that will probably soon end...

Before Steve had the chance to wave everyone off and get in his car, Jonathan appeared in the door next to his mother and greeted his peer. "Hey, Steve. Why don't you come in, of course if you're free?" – Jonathan invited Steve which didn't take him by surprise. Jonathan and Steve developed a strange friendship... Well, not friendship, Steve wasn't over the fact that Nancy chose Jonathan instead of him. They developed a mutual understanding for each other and whenever Jonathan would see Steve he would invite him to hang out. Steve sometimes kindly declined and sometimes he kindly accepted. Tonight was one of those nights. He didn't have anything else to do, so why not spend the evening around people that will warm up his cold heart a little bit?

Steve accepted and locked his car before hopping up to the front door and greeting everyone. Jonathan, Steve, Joyce and the kids got inside. The two boys greeted the well-respected chief that was seated on the couch placed in the cozy living room full of memories for all of which they shrug off in the back of their minds. This was the living room that they fought many battles... Nancy Jonathan and Steve versus the Demogorgon, Steve versus Billy, Joyce against whatever was flowing around in her hear at that time which proved to not be a theory, but a fact that they all feared very much now!

The people in the room started a conversation amongst each other, everyone on a different topic as they progressed over on the already set table. Dustin and Will were telling El about the last movie they went to and how great it was, Jonathan and Hopper were talking about something that was happening on the news, while Joyce let her motherly instincts guide her in questioning Steve about his life. From how's college to how he is dealing with his teenage best friend. She avoided the deep topics that would possibly trigger him like the death of Tommy H and his lack of contact with his parents. "What are your plans for after college, Steve?" – Joyce asked him and it definitely got Dustin's attention. Before answering the question, he looked over at Dustin that distanced himself away from the conversation he was carrying and stared back at the older boy with pleading eyes to not say the dreadful sentence that caused the whole chaos previously.

"Um, I-uh... I was thinking about joining the army next year!" – Steve announced with a lump in his throat. The sentence caught everyone's attention on the table. They all were staring at Steve with disbelief. After 5 seconds of awkward silence, Hopper broke the now formed ice. "No, you're not! Do you want to get yourself killed? Have you actually seen what's going on in the fields?" – Hopper hissed as he continued munching on his meal. "Yeah, I have... I think it will be the best path for me..." "Best if you want your path to end up with your body being shipped in a box with an American flag on top of it!" – Dustin's snarky side comment cut of Steve as he rudely filled in for him. "Kid's gotta point!" – Hopper joined in as he pointed towards Dustin with his fork. 

"Well, I just don't see a future for me here in Hawkins. What am I gonna work after I finish?" – Steve raised his voice towards the people who were "attacking" him. Joyce, Eleven and Nancy stared at him with disbelief trying to comprehend everything that was said. On the other hand, Jonathan and Lucas were just looking between Hopper, Steve and Dustin as they bickered about Steve's sudden decision. "You know Steve; you're a really big dumbass if you want to join the army! What? Are you going to fight the enemies with a baseball bat? You're going to get killed in the first minute you're on a battle field! Who am I kiddin'? You'll die right when they give you your equipment!" – Hopper yelled more furious than ever. "I can't let you go to commit suicide because you're a dumbass! I can't have the guilt on my shoulders because I let you go like that! Maybe you don't have the best relationship with your parents, but I'll be damned if I catch your name on a list for the Middle East! Now, eat." – That was the last thing Hopper yelled out at the boy with puffy hair that was taken back by the words of Jim. 

Everyone looked at Hopper in disbelief over his words. Nobody expected him to explode the way he did. Nobody knew he cared that much about the misfit. Deep down, he was surprised by his sudden explosive speech like everyone else. Who knew Hopper had a heart of gold?


I FINALLY POSTED AN UPDATE WOW! JUST WOW... I'm happy to say that I'm so grateful that all 2.13k read my book and got it at 25 on #strangerthings3 ! I'm so happy people are reading this book even tho I suck at updating and haven't updated since what April? Thank you so much. When I said this book was the only thing that made me happy I really meant it! Also, I'm happy to say that almost all of those problems that I was facing are gone. I'm in the process of writing a book based on my "experience" of 18 years in the field called life, I don't know if you've heard about it. Really complexed thing, geesh! I'll write the first few chapters and if you would like to read it I'll be more than happy to post them. Based on how it'll go, I might continue it. BUT, REGARDING THIS BOOK I'm finally at a place where I'm inspired enough to continue writing this. I had an outline for this till episode four so I just need to write them and publish them.

Again, thank you so so sooo much for reading! I hope you liked the update and comment any ideas or recommendations that you would like to see in this!

I love you guys!

-The girl with no name

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