Chapter 2: A flash of remembrance (Part 2)

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Not every house in Hawkins had a peaceful morning. The Wheelers' household was one of those whose morning wasn't filled with laughter, but it was filled with rage and screaming rom Karen and Ted Wheeler. Their topic for screaming? Nobody knew, not even them! Mike and his sister, Holy sat at the table, eating their breakfast, trying to cancel out the yelling. Mike was surprised how his sister was sleeping through the whole charades, or she could've left already and went to her boyfriend's house for safe haven.

The yelling was on since the moment the two woke up. Insult after insult, argument after argument, Mike got fed up from the noise and picked his little sister in his arms and ran upstairs. His parents didn't even notice that their kids were gone. The kids went in Mike's room and he picked up hi box of toys that Holly loved while he picked up the maths textbook and practised for his upcoming exam. Mike was a smart kid, skilled in many fields, but maths wasn't one of them so he spent more time on that one. No matter how much he practised, he couldn't get the material through his head and the arguing only made it worst.

After an hour in his revision, he got fed up, again from the yelling. "Holy, go get your jacket and let's get going out." – The small girl looked into his eyes, knowing that her big brother was fed up from everything. She hurried with her little legs into her room that was next to Mike's one and searched for her jacket and shoes. On the other hand, Mike got his jacket and shoes and his walkie talkie. He tried to contact Max or Dustin or Will or Lucas, anyone would be a safe haven for both of them, but no one answered. His last option was Mirkwood. Holy loved the place even though it brought a lot of bad memories for him.

The little blond girl came back with her coat on and her shoes untied and Mike bent down to tie them. Hand in hand, they quietly left the house and went down the street, leaving the road to lead the way. Holy skipped down the road and Mike copied her actions, trying to make the little girl laugh and he succeeded. Her giggles made his day. When he found El, he felt needed. He felt like he had a purpose in his life and that was to look after the girl. When she left, he felt alone even though he got his best friend back. Than Will got sick and needed someone to be next to him, so Mike jumped to the opportunity and felt needed and fulfilled once again after 350 days! Everything comes to an end and Will got better and left Mike with the same gut feeling as before. Holy was a little girl that was neglected in one way due to her parents' problems making her siblings responsible for her. Her older sister was far up preoccupied with her boyfriend, making Mike the one responsible for her. Mike didn't mind looking after his little sister and enjoyed it. He felt responsible for everything, every laugh, everything tear, every sleepless night, he felt responsible for everything! This made the boy mature even more in the past year.

Mike and Holy made their way towards Mirkwood. It was close towards Will's house, so Mike tried to reach Will, again and it was unsuccessful. They took a long walk through the woods. Holy picked up flowers that spring brought with her. It was a beautiful scenery to look and enjoy. Hawkins was a dull town during autumn and winter, but when spring came it was beautiful. After two hours in the woods, Mike tried to reach his friends, again and Max answered. Mike asked if they can come over for a while and she said yes.

The path towards Max's house was well known for both of them. Once they got there, they were greeted by Max and her mother with warm smiles. Suzan grabbed Holy's hand and took her with her, while Max and Mike went to her room. Mike sat on her bed, looking around the room filled with posters from Max's favourite bands. Max went over to her record player and played a song that she always played when she felt homesick. "California Dreamin'" by The Mamas and Papas played through the record player. Max sat next to Mike and they both looked at the floor. Silence ruled the two of them, only deep exhales were heard from the pair of teenagers.

"You miss Cali?" "Your parents are fighting?" – The two questioned at the same time. Mike guested for her to go first. She shifted uncomfortably and spoke up. "You know that feeling when you go to the back of your mind and try to find that certain memory that you cherish, but as time goes by the trip of finding the memory becomes harder and harder and the memory is becoming distant? That's how I feel with my dad. Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate you, guys! But, I miss my dad... I miss California, I miss my house, my room, my bed, and I miss my old life!" – The girl exclaimed and let the tears roll down her cheeks, making Mike tear up, as well! "I try every night before I go to bed to find the memory of me and my dad by the beach in front of our house, laughing, having a great time. I try to remember the waves crashing on the rocks and the smell of them. I try to remember my dad and how he gave me a hug before going to school every day. I just try to remember the life I used to have before I came here!" – Mike throw a hand over the red head's shoulder and comforted her in a friendly way.

"They were fighting, again. It's like every time they fight they get louder and louder and have more and more things to argue about. Just this morning, they were fighting about how every night when dad came home, mom wasn't there most of the time. It's just sickening to hear their bull when they argue. I'm over it! It would be better if they just got divorced and moved on because I can't take it! I'm scared that one of them is going to snap at any moment and do something that will leave us orphans. I don't want to live with some strangers or get separated from my sisters!" – Mike felt free to confess almost anything to Max, even his weak taught that Max found extremely brave. They both cried in each other's arms as the song played over and over again.

It was almost lunch time and a voice was heard from Max's walkie talkie. It was Lucas. That was the queue for Mike to get his shit together and go back home with his sister. He wiped his tears and looked in the mirror, only to witness his blood shot eyes. "Can I use your bathroom"? – He asked quietly. Max nodded and the boy left to refresh. The black haired boy locked the door behind him and looked in the mirror that was in the bathroom. "What did I do to deserve this life?" – He taught to himself. Splashing cold water over his burning face, Mike tried to shake off everything and get a grip for his young sister. He left the bathroom and went over in the living room where Neil, Suzan and Holy were watching Holy's favourite cartoon while eating freshly baked cookies.

"Let's go Holy. Mom is probably looking for us." – He stood at the doorway and called his sister. The little girl gave Neil and Susan a hug and thanked them for the cookies. "Mike, Holy, before you leave. Holy and I baked cookies and we made some extra for you to take home!" – Susan smiled and hurried in the kitchen to pick up the container with cookies while Mike got Holy ready. He too the cookies out of the red haired woman's arms and thanked them for letting them crash there. On the way back, Mike tried everything to make Holly laugh even if that was him tripping on purpose because he knew, once they get home they're entering a war zone...

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