Chapter 1: White lie (Part 6)

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Hopper was preparing dinner for three this night. Over the last year and a half, he got a cook book and Flo on the speed dial in case his food doesn't turn up the way it needs to be. Dr. Owens advised Hopper that the best way for Jane to adjust to the whole normal life is by experiencing normal thing that a normal family will do, one of them being homemade food. Of course, Hopper didn't exclude her favourite dessert, Eggos! He was prepared to do anything for his adoptive daughter, Jane. He wanted more than anything for her to be safe, healthy and happy, even if it meant for him to learn how to cook and turn into a big soft teddy bear.

Mr. Clarke and Jane sat on the dining table, as he explained to Jane the last bit of material from 6th grade. She was a fast learner which made Scott's work a lot easier. Her brain was like a sponge, thirsty for more knowledge and understanding about everything that she missed out on. Nobody could return her the years she missed, but all they can do for her is giving her the proper education she deserves. Currently, Mr. Clarke was teaching her a topic on social studies. She passed all of her final exams on the other subjects and social studies were the last one. Jane found the topic interesting, but she was having a problem with remembering all the correct terms, especially for the U.S Economic system.

"This concludes our today's session. What did we learned today?" "We learned about GDP, or Gross Domestic Product." "And what about it?" "How to compare and contrast the level and sources of GDP in US and other countries!" – Jane answered Mr. Clarke's questions enthusiastically. "All you need to do now is study really well during the weekend and first thing on Monday morning, come to school and they will give you an exam that you can take. If you pass it you're gonna be a 7th grader!" – Scott told the girl to which she smiled proudly. As on cue, Hopper walked in with a dish rag over his shoulder. "If you're done kid, clear up the table and help me set it up, will ya'?" – Hopper asked Jane and she hopped off, collecting the pieces of paper and the books on the table neatly. She then went off to her room to put them in place.

"How is she doing?" – Hopper turned to the teacher. "She's doing so much better now! I think she finally got the right jist of the whole thing. If she keeps up the fast learning and understanding of the material, I would gladly send her to school from September. But, she would need to sacrifice the whole summer to pass the freshmen year's exams." – Scott informed the man. "Till when will you be able to teach her?" "I can teach her everything till 8th grade, than I can only teach her 9th grade science, but after that is beyond my knowledge about the other studies. You will have to find someone from the high school to cover." – Scott frowned. He will surely miss the afternoon lessons with the bright girl. She reminded him so much of Dustin, always wanting to keep the curiosity doors open and explore them, to which he was glad to open them for her!

"Well, I appreciate all your hard work teach! Jane and I are beyond thankful for all the afternoons you spent with her." – Hopper thanked the kind man. "It was my pleasure to teach her. She's a brilliant young lady and I promise you she will do great things!" – Scott admired the girl. What he didn't know was that she already did great things which were saving the whole world from possible judgmental day. This entire Hopper kept to himself, but he proceeded on with the conversation. "We're having spaghetti with sauce tonight and I made extra in case you want to join us which you are more than welcomed!" "I guess I can stick around for dinner!" – Hopper clapped in excitement, looking like a typical mom and hurried in the kitchen to put the food on the plates.

Jane came back and set the table then assisted Hopper in bringing in the food for all of them. The three of them sat around the table and ate while making small talk. "I try my best to connect with my students and make learning interesting for all of them, but not all of them are interested in science!" "How comes?" – Hopper asked Scott. He was explaining his classroom teaching to Jim and Jane. "Well, today's generation of kids are more interested in when they'll have gym or recess. Only a selected few were interested in science. You know Joyce's son, Will Byers was interested. Him and his friends were a team and competed. Will, Mike, Dustin and Lucas always got first place, except for that one year when they ended up third which was..." "political!" – Jane finished the sentence for him which only made Scott to scrunch his eyebrows in confusion to how she knows the fact.

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