Chapter 1: White lie (Part 2)

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When Mike arrived at his house, he noticed two big white moving vans in front of the house opposite of his one. He also noticed that the sign in front read "SOLD". Mike observed the situation carefully in order to find out who is moving in his neighbourhood. The only thing he could see wes people dressed in jeans and white shirts that were moving boxes from the van and brought them inside the house. One of the box read "kitchen", another one read "master bedroom" and another one with a label "Julia's room". Mike continued to observe, until he was interrupted by his mother shouting from the window.

The black haired boy went inside of the house and was greeted by his little sister running in his embrace. Over the year and a half, Mike's relationship with his youngest sister grew more and more. Holly was a jolly little girl with a shy personality, but bubbly imagination. She showed interest in Mike's old toys which he found honouring and with happiness showed her everything that he had. As for his relationship with Nancy, things were different. Nancy was about to graduate and was already accepted in a college nearby. She observed Mike from a distance making sure he was okay. The year he spend without Eleven really made him sad and that was bothering Nancy even though she didn't show it. So, since El is back, Nancy made sure he is good and doesn't have any problems on whatever field.

"Mike, go change and wash your hands. We're going to eat lunch than go to the new neighbours' house to see if they need a hand moving in!" – His mom said to him as he let Holly from his embrace. "But, I'm going out tonight!" - Mike protested. "It won't take long, Mike!" – He scoffed and stomped up the stairs to the bathroom to freshen up and after that change into new pair of clothes. In the meanwhile Mrs. Wheeler set the table and put Holly in her chair. Ted Wheeler was sat in his La-Z-Boy which wasn't something new. As the table was ready, he sat next to his wife. Mike came down and took a seat opposite his dad.

"So, Ted. We're going to the neighbours' house after this. Be ready!" – His wife informed him. As time passed by, their "electricity" died the same way that Lucas and Max's "electricity" died. The only thing that kept these two together was their children. They were the glue that kept the marriage together for such a long time now. "How was school, Mike?" – The mother asked her son. "It was alright." – Mike answered bluntly devouring the plate in front of him. 

Silence filled the room for the rest of the meal. That's how it was in the Wheeler household; days went by slowly as the fire died down. The only laughter you will hear there is when Mike plays with Holly. Even "the party" doesn't hang out there as they used to! Holly was the first one to finish excusing herself and that thanking her mother with a kiss on her cheek before hopping off and running along to play with her imagination. Than went Ted in his designated spot in the living room, his La-Z-Boy.

"So, Mike. With whom are you going out tonight?" – Karen was showing an interest in her son's social life, not really. She just wanted to know if Jane will come with them. Karen knew the girl and she liked her, but she didn't exactly knew that Jane is the fugitive that crashed in their basement, Eleven. Since Jane was free, Mike talked about her occasionally and Karen could see the excitement in his eyes and tone when she was the topic of the conversation.

"It will be just the boys and Max." – Mike murmured staring in his plate not interested with whatever his mom made. "That sounds good! Are they coming here before you guys go out?" "No, we'll just meet down the road from here and go to Jack's before. " - he lazily answered before getting his half eaten plate to the sink, but didn't get the chance to make a first try trip. "Mike, you know you can talk to me, right?" – His mom grabbed his attention before Mike nodded and proceeded to go to the kitchen. "Teenagers..." – Karen murmured under her breath.

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