Chapter 2: A flash of remembrance (Part 3)

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Smell of chicken roasting in the oven filled the whole Wheeler household. The family dog laid in front of the oven and watched the chicken slowly cook while droll was dripping from its mouth. On the table in the kitchen, Joyce and Nancy were chopping some vegetables for the soup Joyce will prepare later on. Joyce enjoyed the company of Nancy in her house. It was a nice addition, like she was her daughter. They were making small talk about life in general.

In the living room, Will and Jonathan were going over a video that Jonathan made earlier that day. Since he was a senior in high school, he needed to apply to colleges that were in his interested, so being the tech geek he is he wanted to study videography. The terms for him to apply were simple, make a 10 minute movie and send it to the college. Jonathan was pulling every strength and creative juice from his body to make a 10 minute movie well to get him in the college. So far he only shot candid shots that he will later on put in the video as bridges from one scene to another.

Jonathan wanted to portray the story of his town, Hawkins and a side of it no one has seen. Making it as grim and dark as possible, Jonathan went to the darkest parts of the town and captured the everyday life of people in Hawkins. He would put a voiceover later on that will tell a story that he still hasn't finished. Everyone was supportive of Jonathan's idea and everyone wanted to help him achieve his dream!

"How's the video coming along, Jonathan?" – Joyce asked her son. "So far so good! We're getting rid of the unneeded footage. We actually got a really good shot of you, mom!" – Jonathan hopped off his seat and went over to the kitchen to show his two favourite women in his life the footage. All three of them stared in the small screen of the JVC previously belonging to Bob Newby and observed the footage. Joyce was smiling from ear to ear as she was watching her son's effort. "Oh, Jonathan, the video is perfect, but look at my face! I look horrible!" "No, Joyce you look beautiful. Look at your smile!" – Nancy encouraged the petit woman standing next to her. "She's right, mom! Why wouldn't I keep that smile?" – Jonathan joined in. Joyce laughed and thanked the two young adults and focused on the video, again. She did have a good smile. Since the tragedies that happened in her life, she was finally returning her lovely sincere smile!

"Oh you kids! No matter what you do with your video, I'll be proud of you!" – She exclaimed and kissed her son's cheek. He flashed her a tight lip smile and went over to the living room and joined his brother that was looking over the video that was playing on the TV. It was from his friends and him when they were playing D and D a few months ago. The video zoomed on the pieces on the board than on Mike's face as he was explaining what was happening. A tesalhydra appeared and scared the shit out of the rest and Jonathan zoomed in on the grim expression on Lucas' face as he yelled towards Dustin to make the next move he taught was best. "I will mute the voices of that video and add a song, but I'm not sure which one..." – Jonathan explained to Will.

"How's your college application going, Nancy?" – Joyce asked the curly headed girl. "Um, I'm still writing my essay. I really don't know what I want on it..." "No matter what you write, I'm sure you'll get in. You're a bright girl Nancy and will get in for sure!" – Joyce encouraged the girl which made her flash a small smile. "As long as you're confident about you, you will do great things!" "I just hope they like it enough to take me in... I can't wait to get out of there..." – Nancy trailed off. Joyce was well informed about her home situation because Nancy slept over almost 4 days a week over at the Byers' house. Joyce wanted to help the kids to escape the madness because she knew how much it was probably hard for them. She did everything she can to be of use.

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