I guess i'll go first (Edited)

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have fun reading :)

“What shall we do Rose? Take them out or try and sneak past them?” as I was saying this I saw Emma from my psychology class and a few others that I didn’t really speak to creeping behind the rubbish bins. They must have the same idea as Rose and I. whispering to Rose “we could group up with them; it will be easier to get around with more people fighting.” But as I said that I was also thinking about how we didn’t really like them and there would be more risk grouping with them because they were always the bottom of the classes, me and Rose know more about surviving than them. “Let’s wait and see what happens, if worst comes to worst then they can be the distraction while we sneak into the canteen.” Rose said. We watched as all four of them snuck behind the bins towards the canteen, they were about half way there when one of them kicked something on the floor and it bashed into the metal bin making a huge bang sound. They stood as still as statue's  turned within seconds the zombies were after them, the four of them went running back where they came from with the zombies following. Before I fully thought it through I was standing up and climbing the fence, “come on then Rose, this is our chance.” I said quietly. We could make this I thought as Rose and I jumped over, then we were running faster than we ever had before towards the canteen. I didn’t want to look back to see if we had caught the attention of any other zombies that didn’t chase them but I did and shit! One grabbed hold of my hair and pulled me to the floor, I took a split second to look at the zombie and admire how this girl was probably really pretty before she became infected before I shoved my knife into its neck sending a spray of blood all over my face. Carefully I wiped it off because I didn’t know what their blood would do to me if it entered my system. Luckily that was the only one and boy was that a close one too, Rose had stopped running as she reached the canteen doors. She mustn’t have noticed what had just happened. “Melody! Are you alright?” she shouted to me as I was getting up off the floor, “yeah.” I shouted back, picking up into a jogging pace towards her.

“What happened?” she asked when I got there, “one of them grabbed my hair and I got pulled to the floor. Don’t worry I’m fine now.” I can’t believe she didn’t notice. “Sorry I was just running and you didn’t scream so I didn’t hear you.” She went to hug me then didn’t, I realised that I was covered in blood and muck from where I had fallen to the floor. I didn’t really think there was time to clean up because we wanted to be in and out of the canteen as fast as possible so we could go somewhere else. But Rose and I both decided that we were both going to clean up the best we could.

We walked around to the back doors of the canteen, so that we could sneak inside in case anyone or anything was inside.” Do you want to open the door or should I?” I asked Rose because I didn’t really fancy going first and I have the quicker reaction time out of the both of us, so I could shoot whatever comes out. “Sure I will open the door, just make sure you have my back alright?”, “of course I always do.” I stepped out of her way and held my bow at the ready, Rose twisted the door knob slowly making no noise and pulled the door wide open within a blink of an eye so whatever was inside was now faced by me. I stepped quickly inside the door and scanned the whole room, there was no one to be seen which was a good thing. “Come on in Rose, its safe for now” I shouted to her as I swung left and looked behind the big kitchen counter to see if anything was hiding. I looked around the room and saw a little sign above a door in the far right corner saying toilets, perfect we can wash up a little in there. “Hey Rose there is toilets, let’s go wash up.” I walked towards the toilets with Rose following and noticed that there was a bloody hand print on the door. I stopped; someone was obviously hurt and rushed into the toilets. But the question was that were they bitten? Probably. “Want me to go in first and check it out?” I asked Rose knowing that she had some weird fear of blood. “Yes please, sorry not really a good thing to be afraid of blood in an apocalypse like this.” I didn’t really mind, I just wanted to get this all over with so we could relax and eat for a bit. I am so hungry.

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