Chapter 12

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Hannah's POV

The ride to Justin's house was relatively quiet. The only sounds were of each other breathing and the radio. And my mind racing with possibilities of everything that could happen. When we arrive at our - his - house, I get out and wait for Justin to unlock the house door. Do I come out and say I'm pregnant? Do I just easily slide into the subject? I have no idea what I'm going to do. I'll just wing it.

As soon as we sit down in the living room he finally speaks, "Okay.." he sighs while taking off his sunglasses. "Talk."

See? Why wouldn't he take them off at the restaurant? "Um.. well... If we were still together would you want children?" I ask uneasily.

"Uh, yeah sure. I would like children."

Okay, that's good. I'm off to a great start. "Well, I don't really know how to say it but... I'm pregnant..." I say slowly and calmly.

"That's good." He says, not even phased at what I just said.

"Did you here what I said?" I say slightly angry.

"Yeah, you're pregnant. Wait.... you're pregnant. YOU'RE PREGNANT?" He yells.

"Yeah. I am. I went to the doctors and everything. I have an appointment in two months." I inform him.

"How far along?"

"About 3-4 weeks."

"So that means that when we first had sex I got you pregnant?"

"Yep." And when you left me to fend for myself when I had morning sickness, I feel like adding.

"Oh, no, no, no. This isn't good. You can't be pregnant." He says while pacing back and forth in front of the couch with his hands in his hair.

"Why isn't it good? i mean, yeah, I did call it "quits" but I was just angry you wouldn't tell me anything. But I guess I'll just have to forgive you for that because I bet you didn't mean to do anything to hurt me. I was just hurt, that's all." I say.

Justin's POV

She's fucking pregnant. She f-u-c-k-i-n-g pregnant with MY child. And she doesn't even know what I did the last few days! Will I tell her? Probably not.

I need a drink. This is all too much to take in. I just can't even think clearly right now to answer her. After a couple of seconds thinking I reply.

"I mean it's not good for the media. You're pregnant with my child, how do you think the media will take this?"

"Are you shitting me right now? Justin I was fucking engaged to you. AND you're 24 years old. Why are you so worried about the media. I mean, if I was 19 and pregnant that would be one thing. Lighten up." Okay.... she does have a point.

"Are we going to raise this baby together?" I ask.

"Well yeah. If you let me have back the ring. I didn't mean any of what I said, you know that right?" She asks hopefully.

"Yeah, I know you didn't mean it." Liar, "but that's all over and done with. let's just move past that, yeah?" I suggest giving her back the ring.

While she puts it on her finger she says, "You're acting really calm for someone who just found out your fiancé is pregnant."

"Yeah, well.. I think we both know I'm not like most people." I say shrugging my shoulders. "I'm going out for a bit. Probably to the studio to talk to Scooter about my last album release." More like 'I'm going to the bar to get pissed faced drunk'.

"Okay! That's okay with me. Just try to be home at 12. One at the latest."

"Ill try. Bye Hannah." I say as I kiss her cheek.

"Bye Justin." She replies back.

Yeah so, after that whole fucking that really hot blonde the other day I decided to not give Hannah that song of me and Ariana singing 'Honeymoon Avenue'. I feel really lost right now with all my feelings about Hannah. So why give her something when I don't really mean it? I think I'm just going to release my album, not in a special way either. Just having a countdown because, to be honest, I'm done with the fame. I just want to be able to go out and be normal for once, you know?

The only reason I didn't quit when 3 years ago was because I met Hannah. She was such a dedicated fan and I loved her from the moment I laid eyes on her. Well, when I laid eyes on her I could see myself with her in the future. It was so amazing to get to know her too. I noticed everything about her. And surprisingly, everything worked out. Well, until now. But I just which I could go back to those days and relive those amazing memories with her.

Now I REALLY need a drink. When I pull up into the bar I quickly get out so no paparazzi see me. Once I'm finally in, I order 10 shots of vodka and finish them all within a minute. I need more, I think to myself, I need to forget, again.

So, how was this chapter? good? bad? I think I'm going to have a contest soon to make me a new cover. Idk yet. If I get more reads maybe. Would anyone participate in it?
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