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After racing through hundreds of fans at the airport, the seven boys were all relieved to enter the quiet plane.

Jungkook was the last to enter the plane that would bring them back to korea and looked around the small area in debate of where to sit. He wanted to sit by Yoongi, but he was sitting with Hoseok talking in hushed voices. He thought it would be best to let them continue without interruption.  Jimin and Taehyung were arguing over the window seat. Taehyung had taken the seat first but Jimin was determined to climb all over him until he moved away. The two remaining members had seats available next to them. Jin was getting comfortable in his seat and pulled out a few books to study for business. Jungkook looked hopefully at Namjoon, the older caught his eyes and smiled over at him welcoming him.

Jungkook returned the smile and quickly took the seat next to Namjoon.

"Thanks Hyung. I almost thought I would have to sit alone." Jungkook said nervously as the plane's engine hummed to life. 

"You can always sit next to me." Namjoon casually slug his arm around the younger's shoulders. "I know you don't like the plane taking off."

"Thank you..." Jungkook whispered scooting closer to Namjoon and leaned against his chest.  "Tell me when it's over."

Namjoon nodded and made sure to cover the window. For some unknown reason, Jungkook had a huge fear of planes taking off. He was fine while they flew, it was just the starting. Whenever they had to travel long distances, someone had to hold him and tell him everything would be alright. If not, it never failed to send Jungkook into a huge panic attack.

Jungkook's gut twisted as the plane started to accelerate forward. His grip on Namjoon's shirt tightened with his eyes squeezing shut.

Namjoon rubbed small circles on his back as he whispered sweet, reassuring words into his ear. Soon after, the plane left the ground and steadily inclinded in altitude. Jungkook's hands slowly released Namjoon shirt but Namjoon continued to hold Jungkook close.

"I think I am okay now hyung. Thank you." Jungkook whispered embarrassed about his undying fear.

"Oh, yeah." Namjoon released his hold. "Sorry about that. I got lost on thought for a second."

"What were you thinking about?" Jungkook questioned sitting back with with interest sparkling in his eyes.

"I was thinking about when I first met you." Namjoon chuckled. "You really haven't changed. It's cute."

"I got sexy." Jungkook snorted.

"I still see you as the same person that i met that one day years ago." Namjoon smiled, remembering the day they met.

Flashback bitches

Jungkook left yet another audition disappointed in himself. He had gotten nervous under all the pressure and his voice had cracked, his dancing was off tempo, and he had somehow managed to sing the lyrics to the wrong song.

Jungkook sat on the ground next to the building crying his sweet little eyes out. A boy walked out of the building Jungkook had left and walked up to him. The boy kneeled down in front of Jungkook and gently wiped his tears away.

"Don't cry." Was all he said.

"I did so bad! You don't understand." Jungkook sniffed and turned his body away.

"I saw your audition." Instead of leaving, the boy say next to Jungkook. "I think you were amazing."

"Don't lie to make me feel better. I did horrible. The all said I have no chance at being an idol and I might as well give up now. I thought this audition would be different from the others but I was wrong."

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