First Encounter

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"Are you sure this is the right place? I don't want to break into the wrong dorm." The short girl asked worriedly pulling up her face mask that covered the bottom portion of her face.

"It's going to be alright." Junghyun smiled as he pick locked the door to BTS' dorm.  "Don't worry so much Jiji, I got this."

Junghyun waved off his sister's worry and concern. He let out a quiet victory cheer as the door swung open. They walked into the dorm and quietly closed the door behind themselves. It was dark due to it only being 5 in the morning. Junghyun  walked towards the kitchen where a solo light was on, his sister clung to his arm not wanting to trip and fall in the unfamiliar setting.

Junghyun froze seeing movement come from the kitchen. The shorter of the two stared at the foreign figure. She assumed it was one of the members getting water in the middle of the night. From the single light that lit up the room, she was able to make out that he wore pajamas too large from him but was still stylish. His hair was fluffed up into a tired perfection. 

The guy from the kitchen felt someone watching him and quickly dropped down behind the counter. A phone flashlight soon appeared to peek out from around the corner in the siblings direction. 

"W-who's there?" A surprisingly  low voice spoke.

Junghyun laughed and held his hands up in surrender as the flashlight was directed at him. The boy jumped up and ran straight at Junghyun, dropping his phone and abandoning it in the kitchen.


"Little Tae!" Junghyun caught Taehyung who sprung up and landed right into his arms. 

Junghyun hugged him tightly and spun him around saying how much he missed Taehyung while he was gone in America. The unnoticed party walked over to the counter and jumped up on it and sat on the edge swinging her legs while watching them. Her giggle finally caught Taehyung's attention. He pulled away from Junghyun and looked over her.

"Who are you? How did you get in? Wait, are you a killer?! Hyunnie save me!" Taehyung cried out hiding behind Junghyun's large frame. The latter just laughed at his reaction.

"She's with me Little Tae. I let her in."

"You what?!" Taehyung shouted in disbelief. "Who is she? Your girlfriend?" 

Taehyung's eyes started to get watery with his head hanging low, the hurt evident in his body expression. Junghyun turned around to look at him directly.

"I thought we had something going!" Taehyung looked up with a stray tear falling down his cheek. 

Junghyun raised his hand to wipe away the tear but Taehyung swatted his hand away with a small glare. His heart felt like it had shattered hearing that Junghyun had let a strange girl into the dorm. 

"I know we weren't official, but i lo-love you! Please don't date her. Please Hyunnie." Taehyung begged. "Date me instead."

Junghyun pulled him into a tight hug placing a kiss on the top of his messy hair. He chuckled slightly with a large smile.

"You said you love me."


"I love you too." A small squeal came from the kitchen. Junghyun smiled even bigger over at his fan girling sister. "Besides, I don't think i could ever bring himself to date my sister. I prefer guys, especially the one in my arms."

Taehyung turned a crimson red  hearing Junghyun returning his feelings, then it hit him. That girl, it was never his girlfriend it was his...

"Sister?!" Taehyung shouted looking up at Junghyun still trapped in his muscular arms.

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