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Unknown: hi

Jungkook's sis: hello! Who's this?

Unknown: you're Jungkook's sister, correct?

Jungkook's sis: uh...

Unknown: I'm in his band, I swear

Jungkook's sis: oh. Hi unnamed band member! How did you get my number?

Unknown: I saw Jungkook texting you and memorized the number

Jungkook's sis: oh
Jungkook's sis: what's your name?

Unknown: what's yours?

Jungkook's sis: um...I can't tell you that yet

Unknown: why not? I have been dying trying to figure out who you are

Jungkook's sis: I have to keep myself a mystery. What's the fun in just saying it?

Unknown: fair enough
Unknown: I wish I knew who you were...

Jungkook's sis: keke I did talk to one of the members once. I'm not sure if you're him or not

Unknown: who? When?

Jungkook's sis: I'm really bad with names... But he was funnyyyy

Unknown: -.- that's no help

Jungkook's sis: well he had hair, and clothes on. I'm pretty sure he was Korean

Unknown: smartass

Jungkook's sis: I try ;)
Jungkook's sis: how is Jungkookie?

Unknown: stressed. But Hoseok went to take him out for ice cream before we pack up for our plane tomorrow

Jungkook's sis: plz take care of him. I worry about his health

Unknown: I'll make sure to keep him healthy
Unknown: when will we meet?

Jungkook's sis: 5 days

Unknown: I can't wait
Unknown: I bet you're beautiful

Jungkook's sis: I am ;)
Jungkook's sis: what do you look like?

Unknown: Korean
Unknown: with hair
Unknown: most likely have clothes on

Jungkook's sis: ...wow

Unknown: right back at you sweetheart

Jungkook's sis: *gagging noises*

Unknown: see you in 5 days baby ;)

Jungkook's sis: I'm probably older than you ;) Respect me child

Unknown: you sound like my type

Jungkook's sis: everyone says that
Jungkook's sis: you have competition

Unknown: I might not win much, but I bet I can win your heart💓

Jungkook's sis: bet

She smiled at her phone and the conversation with the mystery member from BTS.

"He seems fun." She muttered to herself.

She heard her name get called across the room making her look up. She groaned seeing her stylist walk in with yet another outfit.

"That's the 20th outfit today. How many more do I need to put on?" She asked tiredly.

"It's the 3rd outfit." Her stylist teased, tossing her the new outfit.

She groaned and changed into the new outfit with the unknown texter still on her mind.


Jungkook smiled widely at Hoseok while licking his chocolate ice cream.

"Thanks for the ice cream hyung!" He cheered.

"Sure thing Jungkookie!" Hoseok laughed matching his enthusiasm.

"We got the biggest ice creams here, are you sure it's alright?" The younger questioned.

Hoseok smile widened as he held up a credit card with Kumamon printed on it.

"It's alright, it's not my money." Jungkook gapped at his hyung.

"Is that-"

"Yeah. Yoongi wasn't paying attention so I got his card when he want looking."

Jungkook laughted at his hyung's secret sly actions. Hoseok placed the card back into his pocket and returned to his ice cream. A bell sounded from the door signalling that someone had entered the ice cream shop. Hoseok's laughing stopped at his face paled slightly.

"Jung Fucking Hoseok." Yoongi glared approaching them.

Hoseok put on a nervous smile and waves over at Yoongi. He took the card out if his pocket and skillfully slipped it into Jungkook's back pocket before either could notice.

"Do you wanna join us? The ice cream here is great!" Hoseok offered.

"Good for you. Now give me back my credit card." Yoongi demanded with an outstretched hand.

Jungkook nibbed in his ice cream as he watched the two bicker. Yoongi kept asking for his credit card and Hoseok denied having it. At one point, Yoongi decided to tackle Hoseok down, knocking him off the seat. He sat on Hoseok's chest and dug through his pockets.

"Yoongi." Hoseok whined.

"Shut up." Yoongi pushed Hoseok over and dug through his back pockets.

"If you kiss me, I'll tell you where it's at." Hoseok smirked teasingly causing Jungkook to choke on his ice cream.

"Hobi, I will beat your ass."

"Yes please."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and sat on Hoseok's back giving up on his search.

"I swear, you only get like this while we're in America. Since when did you flirt with people like this?" Yoongi questioned crossing his arms.

"Let's see, it all started when we were in LA and started filming American Hustle Life." Hoseok started to blabber to himself.

Yoongi sighed and grabbed Hoseok's ice cream off the table and began eating it. Jungkook laughed at the two still enjoying his own bowl.

"...and then it was just this new feeling when coming to America. Wait. IS THAT MY ICE CREAM?!" Hoseok shouted earning odd looks from around the room.

"You took my wallet. This is payback." Yoongi shrugged.

"Jungkook took it!"

"No I didn't!" Jungkook cried out in defense as Yoongi looked at him suspiciously.

"It's in his back pocket." Hoseok smirked to himself while making his expression stay neutual.

Yoongi shuffed so he was sitting on Hoseok's ass to make sure he wouldn't escape and reached into Jungkook's back pocket. Jungkook jumped from the sudden hand touching him. Yoongi pulled out his credit card out of the younger's back pocket.


"I didn't do that! It was Hoseok hyung I swear!"

"You had the card!" Hoseok defended.

Yoongi studied Jungkook for a few seconds before motioning for him to had him a glass of water. Jungkook tilted his head confused but handed Yoongi the nearly empty cup anyway.

"Hobi, you're such a bad liar."


Yoongi pulled a few ice cubes out of the clear cup. He smirked at the frozen water in his hands before lifting the edge of Hoseok's pants up and slipping in the cold substance. 

"Did you just put ice down my pants?!" Hoseok screamed and squirmed around in attempt to relieve his skin from the cold.

"Don't take my credit card next time." Yoongi smirked more rubbing more ice on the back of his neck in revenge.

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