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The passed on with the absence of Ji Eun. Most of the boys were playing video games while Yoongi and Namjoon had left the work on music in a separate room. Namjoon sighed with his mind still drifting off back to the girl that was currently not feeling well. 

"Stop your huffing." Yoongi complained, not sparing Namjoon a glance. 

"Do you ever wonder what it means when someone never leaves your mind? As if you want them to leave your mind but at the same time you want to think about them more?" Namjoon asked leaning back in his chair to stare helplessly at the ceiling.

"I seriously want to beat you up sometimes, does that count?"

"You know what I mean. I see the certain looks you give a certain maknae." 

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Yoongi rolled his eyes even though Namjoon wasn't looking at him. "Just go back to your love daydream."

"I am not in love. I'm just worried for her health." Namjoon frowned.

"Right." Yoongi snorted.

"She looked so troubled earlier. Don't you ever want to know what it could be?" 

"First off, read the reports if you want to know and second, if you are so worried about her, go to her. I can finish this song alone." 

"You're the best hyung!" 

Namjoon jumped out of his chair and ruffled Yoongi's already messy hair before dashing out the door before Yoongi could retaliate and throw something at Namjoon. He was ready to chase after the younger but smirked to himself when he heard Namjoon trip over his own feet half way down the hall.

Namjoon cursed under his breathe as he picked himself back up and continued down the hallway. He straightened his shirt out as he walked by the boys crowded around the tv. Their yelling and cheering filled the dorm with so much noise that it was surprising that the neighbors had not come to complain. Namjoon approached his room and knocked lightly on the door. When there was no response, he knocked a little louder. 

Seeing that no one was going to open the door, Namjoon cleared his throat and pushed the door open slowly. He poked his head around until he spotted Ji Eun sitting on the edge of his bed. She had turned the lights off expect for a lamp on his light stand. Ji Eun had put on his reading glasses and was so immersed in a book that Namjoon's presents went unnoticed. 

"What book are you reading?" Namjoon asked taking a seat next to Ji Eun.

Ji Eun jumped so high from being startled that she would have fallen off the bed if Namjoon didn't stick an arm out to help her balance her weight. She regained her balance and placed a hand on her  racing heart.

"You scared me!" Ji Eun laughed and turned to face a startled Namjoon.

"Sorry, I wasn't trying to scare you." A small smile grew on his face seeing that she wasn't mad.

"I wasn't your fault. I just get so deep into reading that I forget where I am." JI Eun smiled until her hands flew up to her face. "Oh, I borrowed your glasses, I hope you don't mind." She added more shyly handing back the glasses.

"You can keep wearing them." Namjoon smiled, gently pushed the glasses back towards her. "They look cute on you."

"Thanks." She laughed putting the glasses back on. "You know there aren't any cameras on, you don't have to be so nice."

"This is just how I am, baby." Namjoon said adding english when he said baby.

"Someone is flirty." Ji Eun laughed nudged Namjoon, who just sent her a teasing wink.

She laughed again and pushed again, this time hard enough for him to fall back onto the bed. Ji Eun took the chance to jump on top of him and sit on his chest. Namjoon just responded with an air kiss to keep up with his flirty act.

"Stooop." Ji Eun cried out trying to fight back a smile, but failed big time.

"Are you going to make me?"

"Maybe I will." She smirked.

It was just enough to distract Namjoon long enough for her to grab one of his large Ryan plushies and hit Namjoon with it. Namjoon covered his face to defend against the attack until he found his opportunity. Once Ji Eun brought her arms back to hit him again, he caught her wrist and pulled her down and kept her close to his chest with a chuckle. 

"You can't beat me that easily." 

"You win this round." Ji Eun huffed, trying to wiggle out of his arms.

It didn't take long for her to give up and just lay on his chest. Namjoon chuckled and lightly ran his fingers through her hair. She leaned into the touch ever so gently, he couldn't help but think about similar Jungkook and Ji Eun really were sometimes.

 "Ji Eun-" A call from the door snapped both of them out of the moment. 

Ji Eun quickly scrambled off of Namjoon and the later sat up trying to act as natural at possible. But his 'act natural' also happened to be 'panicked weirdo'. The boy at the door looked between them then shook his head, unsure of what to make of the whole scene he just walked in on. 

"Hoseok! Is something wrong?" Namjoon asked to break the awkward silence that had settled on the three of them.

"This is the third time today i have walked in on some weird stuff. Can't you people make a sign?!" Hoseok cried.

"Sorry.." Ji Eun and Namjoon both muttered, biting back their smiles.

"Anyway, Jungkook and Taehyung are fighting over the xbox games again. Someone go separate them before they break the tv again." Hoseok complained.

"Again?" Ji Eun asked curiously.

"It's nothing. I'll go get them." Namjoon said quickly to avoid answering the question and went out of the room.

Ji Eun looked at Hoseok questioningly but only received a polite smile. He leaned on the door frame casually while they looked at each other.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked.

"O-oh. Yeah, I just needed some rest." Ji Eun answered quickly and made her way to the door and tried to make her way pasted Hoseok. But he took her shoulder's and pinned her against the wall before she could get by.

"Jungkook is our family, that makes you family. You don't need to hide anything from us." His smile turned into a concerned one before pulling her into a hug. "Just ask me if you ever need anything. I can help."


"You don't have to be alone with your problems. Just text me if you ever need anything. I have a sister so I can understand girl issues just like guy issues." He chuckled lightly and stepped back. "I care about you Noona." 

"Thanks, really." Ji Eun gave him a small smile which he returned with a bright one.

"I'm glad you came. It's really an honor to meet you." Hoseok took her hand as they walked out to living room to find Namjoon trying to hold two xbox remotes above his head while getting attacked by Taehyung and Jungkook. And Namjoon definitely wasn't winning.


Team Namjoon or Hoseok?

Maybe Team Jimin or Jin?

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