Restless Sleep

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Ji Eun followed Yoongi back towards his room in search for clothes to sleep in. After the boys had a heated debate, the had decided it was best for her to wear something from Yoongi's closet. Not only was it closer to her size, it was also most likely to actually be clean and not just shoved back in the closet to avoid being in charge of laundry.

Yoongi opened to the room Ji Eun had saw him sleeping in earlier that day. He walked across the room and opened a closet and dug through his clothes.

"So, does Jungkookie sleep with you often?" Ji Eun asked to break the silence between them. Yoongi chuckled and passed her a large, silk shirt.

"When he gets nervous, sometimes. It's usually me who reaches out to him first." Yoongi chuckled and handed her a matching black pants.

"Really? Don't turn around, I'm just going to change in here." Yoongi nodded keeping his back towards her.

"I usually lead Jungkook here if we just finished a long day of practice or a day before we travel. We don't do anything bad, just sleeping. Sometimes he will talk about his worries or rant on about how some new video game came out. He's a real sweet kid."

Ji Eun smiled hearing how Yoongi spoke so softly about her little brother as she removed pant and replaced them with the one's Yoongi gave her. They were undeniably soft, they draped around her feet from being too large but at least it was somewhat close.

"Jungkookie seems to really like you." She smiled taking her shirt off but decided to keep her bra on for the night.

Yoongi chuckled smiling to himself thinking about the younger as he waited. Ji Eun was about to put the shirt on when the door slammed open.

"What's taking you so long-" Jimin run in shouting but froze seeing her stand in the middle of the room with her purple lace bra on display.

Her eyes nearly doubled in size seeing Jimin stare at her. Yoongi snapped around to see the situation and walk in front of Ji Eun, blocking Jimin's wonderful view. She snapped put of her frozen state and quickly put in the shirt given to her and buttoned it up.

"Jimin, get the fuck out. Knock before entering when we have a guest." Yoongi sent him a glare.

"Haha.. sorry. We were starting to worry that something was happening between you two." Jimin apologized backing out of the room.

"You know nothing was happening. Brat" Yoongi grumbled closing the door in his face with a sigh. "Is it alright if I turn around now?"


Yoongi turned around and gave her an apologetic look. She laughed it off awkwardly holding one arm across her chest. He reached forward and slowly intertwined their hands before leading her back outside to the living room area. Ji Eun fixed the shirt that kept slipping off her shoulder.

"Noona! Save me!" Jimin cried.

Ji Eun raised an eyebrow seeing that Junghyun managed to hold Jimin upside down by his ankles. Jimin pleaded with his puppy dog eyes hoping that she would make Junghyun let him go before too much blood rushed to his head.

She smirked to herself getting her personal revenge and ignored her plead, instead she turned to Namjoon who was drinking water amused at the current display in front of him.

"Namjoon? Can you show me where the room is? I'm getting tired." She released Yoongi's hand and stretched with her arms raised above her head and faked a yawn.

"Right this way." He smirked over at Jimin as he stood up. "Look what you got yourself into. Tsk tsk."

"Hyung! You can't just leave me!" Jimin screamed trying to wiggle his way out of Junghyun's firm grip making Ji Eun bite back a laugh.

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