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While back in Korea...

She stared at her reflection and dragged red lipstick across her lips bored. Junghyun was supposed to meet her at her small house in Seoul almost thirty minutes ago. She spun around in her chair wondering where in the world her brother could have disappeared off to. A knock at the door cut off her distant thoughts.

"Junghyunie!" She shouted out and jumped out of her chair only to fall forward and into a wall.

She shook her dizzy head then skipped up to the door while using the wall as a guild so she would not fall again. She swung the door open and smiled wider seeing her handsome, older brother in front of her.

"Jiji!" Junghyun shouted returning the smile and took no time to engulf her small frame into a tight huge.

"Junghyunie! You're late." She attempted to hug the life out of him, but his muscular body prevented her from doing so.

His laughter filled the room. His laugh was one that could melt the coldest mans heart and lift everyone's spirits who heard it. She always loved hearing his laugh while her's was also loud, she always received odd looks. It did not bother her much any more although it bothered her during early debut all those years ago.

"Let's head to the cafe that you are always telling me about. I'm telling you that it isn't better than The Park's Cafe back in Busan." Junghyun smiled as he ruffled her long, black hair.

"Junghyunie!" She shouted slapping his hands away from her hair.

She attempted to reach his perfectly styled hair but her 5'3 body was no match for his towering height of 6'1. Even her heels could not help her now.

"Nice try Jiji." Junghyun laughed again walking out the door. "Now where is that coffee shop at?"

"You could just call be by my real name." She waited for him to walk down the three steps that lead to her house before getting a small running start before jumping onto his back.

"I could, but i like calling you Jiji." He smiled holding onto her legs to help prevent her from falling. "Did you lose weight again?"

"Yeah, I have to go on another diet. But don't worry, i can eat more unlike my last diet." She rested her head on his shoulder with her hat covering her eyes.

"I don't like how my idol siblings are always dieting. I feel like i am out of place with you guys."

"That's because you are freaking built. You have better abs most guys in Korea. The even featured you in that Men's health magazine." She said and pointed across the street at a small cafe tucked in between two large buildings.

"You two have abs as well. If your company's would let you two eat more then you guys would look better." He frowned worried.

"You worry too much. Jungkookie has a great company that takes care of him. His band members look like they care alot about him. But then again, he never tells me much about them and i have only seen them at a distance." She frowned slightly and poked his cheek. "I only know the one that you are gay for."

"Little Tae- I mean Taehyung?" Junghyun let go of her legs so she could slide off his back before they entered the cafe.

"Yeah. You talk about him alot. He sounds cute." She nudged his side and gave him a suggestive nudge.

"Hey, I call dibs on him." Junghyun laughed lightly nudging her back.

She laughed and entered the cafe with Junghyun trailing behind. They sat in the empty back corner of the small cafe after ordering their drinks that Junghyun reluctantly paid for. The two talked for awhile about nothing in particular until their coffee arrived.

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