One day left...

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Yoongi woke up surprisingly early that morning. He sat up and stretched with his aching bones popping in relief. He yawned looking around the empty bedroom. Yoongi checked his watch, it was 6:03, usually Jin would sleep in until at least 7:30 on their days off. 

Yoongi pulled himself out of bed and went to explore where his odd hyung had wandered off to somewhere so early. The smell of coffee lured Yoongi into the kitchen, he decided to pour himself a cup of coffee before continuing his half-hearted search. He passed by Namjoon who was passed out on the couch with his phone in hand. Yoongi made his way towards Jimin and Hoseok's shared room and found Jin leaning against the doorway looking in.  

"What are you doing so early?" Yoongi asked approaching Jin.

"Just waiting for those four to wake up, I wanted to go out for breakfast as a group but they seem pretty comfortable." Jin chuckled putting his phone back into his pocket and sipped his coffee. 

Yoongi glancing into the room and spotted Jungkook half fallen off the bed with Jimin's arms wrapped around him. Hoseok's hand rested on top on Taehyung's butt and would occasionally move his hand around in a circular motion while snoring. Taehyung snored the loudest with his body sprawled out across the other three. 

"Should we wake them up?" Yoongi asked amused.

"Probably. I am getting really hungry." Jin yawned.

"Go back to sleep if you're tired. You look like shit." Yoongi commented.

Jin sent a small glare at the younger and flicked the center of his forehead. Yoongi whimpered rubbing his forehead.

"You deserved that." Jin stated standing up straighter.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. How are we going to wake the little shits up?"

"I got this." Jin cleared his throat with a small smirk. "A new gucci jacket? On sale?!"

"GUCCI?!" Taehyung popped up wide awake. "I'm coming new jacket!" 

Taehyung pushed himself off of Jimin and Jungkook while accidentally shoving Hoseok off the edge of the bed and ran out of the room past the two in the doorway. Hoseok groaned from the ground mumbling curses under his breath. Jimin grumbled and tried to roll over to return to dream land, but unfortunately, he was too close to the edge and let out a small scream as he fell off the edge of the bed and onto Hoseok.

"Why me..." Hoseok cried from under Jimin's body.

Yoongi laughed slightly at the disastrous scene that had unfolded in front of him. Even through all the chaos, the maknae was still asleep on the bed. Jin handed Yoongi his half drunken coffee cup and made his way over to Jungkook. 

Jin sat next to Jungkook's peacefully sleeping body. He smiled and whispered something along the lines of 'how cute' before pinching Jungkook's nipples to awake him. Jungkook screamed and frantically tried to wiggle out of Jin's tight grip. The older laughed evilly and finally released Jungkook's sensitive nipples.

"Go get ready Jungkookie, I hungry so we are going to go out for breakfast. I have to go wake Namjoon as well." Jin sung and walked back to Yoongi to retrieve his coffee. "My work here is done."

"Hey Jin," Yoongi caught Jin's arm before he could walk away. "Your coffee smells weird. Did you put something in it?"

"Just a shot of vodka to help wake me up and prepare for the day." Jin sent a wink at Yoongi and continued in his way to wake Namjoon up. 

Yoongi shook his head with a small chuckle. He looked back at Jungkook who was sitting up on the bed with a troubled look decorating his sleepy face. Before Yoongi could speak up and question it, Jungkook spotted him and forced a smile.

"Morning Hyung! I'll go get ready." Jungkook quickly scurried into the pits on the golden closet leaving Yoongi to stand in the room alone. He blinked a few times before returning to hos room to properly get dressed.


After all the members had properly gotten dressed, the had made their way to a small cafe not to far away from their dorm rooms. The walls were covered with aged wall paper with light pink flowers. An elderly lady was wiping off the tables and smiled kindly at the boys who entered.

The boys bowed respectfully before taking their seat at a round table in the back corner where all of them could sit together. Jungkook sat next to Namjoon on the edge and looked over Yoongi's shoulder to see out the window in front of him. Couples would walk by chatting away leaving the boys unnoticed.

Jungkook laughed seeing Taehyung and Yoongi trying to compete in aegyo. Jimin tried to join in at one point but only made Jin lose his appetite. All was relaxing until he saw two figures appear on the other side of the window.

One was a tall, broad male with defined muscles that could easily be seen even with a hoodie on. He wore a fake mustache and round glasses. The other was a girl, she was short with dark brown hair cut into a bob cut. Her face was mostly hidden with a large scarf but her doe eyes and milky skin still shone through.

"Oh no..." Jungkook muttered to himself.

Namjoon paused his laughing and looked over at Jungkook.

"Something wrong?"

"N-no. Everything is alright." Jungkook forced a nervous smile. Namjoon nodded slowly and handed Jungkook the last muffin.

"Here. Eat this." Jungkook took it thankfully.

Jungkook nibbled on the blueberry muffin and stared out the window. The two were doing some sort of dance together knowing that Jungkook would see them. Jungkook quickly stood up making the others go silent.

"I... I need some fresh air. I'll be right back." Jungkook anxiously ran out of the small cafe with half a muffin still in his hand. Namjoon followed Jungkook with his eyes to see him run up to two strange people standing in front of the cafe and pull them away.

Namjoon smirked slightly and sipped on his morning tea before doing his job and reassuring the other members that Jungkook will be alright. Hoseok stared at Namjoon skeptically until Taehyung shoved Jimin right into Hoseok's arm.

They returned to their lively conversations, but the smallest rapper remained silent. His mind kept wandering back to Jungkook and where he had gone. When the other five started getting into a heated debate over the best type of chocolate,  Yoongi took his chance to slip away and follow where he assumed where Jungkook went.

He walked down the street and saw Jungkook talking with the two people. Yoongi decided to give them some space allowing them to talk in private. He saw Jungkook's large, mesmerizing eyes begin to water as he wrapped his arms around a girl. Yoongi felt a small pang in his chest but decided to ignore it.

Soon enough, the two strangers walked away leaving Jungkook alone on the street. Yoongi decided it was time to make his presence know. He walked up to Jungkook placing a hand on Jungkook's shoulder.

"H-hyung! How long have you been watching?" Jungkook jumped.

"Not long. I didn't hear anything if that is what you are so worried about." Jungkook let out a sigh in relief with his shoulders relaxing. "Who were they?"

"Junghyun and..." Jungkook trailed off.

"And? Come on, you can tell me. Trust me Jungkook." Yoongi pressed.

Jungkook's eyes swelled with tears and his breath quickened. He stumbled back with his eyes darting from Yoongi to the ground.

"S-s-she..." Jungkook stuttered starting to get choked up on tears.

"No... Jungkook I'm sorry." Yoongi's expression softened as he pulled Jungkook into a hug. "You don't need to say it. I won't force you."

Jungkook sniffed placing his head onto Yoongi's shoulder.



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