snowed in

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Jungkook crossed his arms glaring at Namjoon, who happened to still be sleep with Ji Eun in his arms. Jungkook wanted to do nothing more than to dunno ice water onto Namjoon's unsuspecting head. But he couldn't with his sister sleeping so soundly.

"Come on, Jungkook. Glaring isn't going to do anything." Yoongi yawned as he sipped on his morning coffee.

"But hyung, they are cuddling." Jungkook whined. "What if something happens?"

"You sleep with me all the time and nothing bad happened." Yoongi shrugged.

Jungkook opened his mouth to protest but quickly shut it with a small blush dusting across his cheeks. He muttered a 'whatever' and made his way back to the living room area.

Tae and Junghyun were still asleep, snoring in the couch when Jungkook walked in. Jungkook sighed and looked out the window to see the city buried in a thick white blanket off snow. The tops of cars were barely able to be seen. A few children were climbing on the mounds of snow with their mother's calling for them to get back inside.

Jungkook smiled slightly them wondered to the kitchen. Hoseok greeted him with a smile and brought his warm drink up to his lips.

"I thought you were trying to quit drinking coffee?" Jungkook questioned.

"I am. This is hot chocolate." Hoseok smiled with his cheeks slightly red from the heat of the drink.

"Do we have any more?" Jungkook asked hopefully.

"I think we have enough for one more cup, but we're out of marshmallows."

Jungkook nodded and worked on making himself hot chocolate before everyone else woke up. He topped off his hot chocolate with whipped cream  and smiled. He was just about to spray some into his mouth when he saw Jin walk into view with Namjoon and Ji Eun behind him. Jin shot him a warning glare making him quickly spraying someone his mouth before putting it away.

Ji Eun laughed as Jin smacked Jungkook in the back on the head and scolded him about taking whip cream shots. Namjoon looked down at her with a smile.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

"I'll be fine. I don't like to eat." She answered nervously brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Noona, you're eating." Jungkook called from the kitchen.

Ji Eun sighed but didn't agrue anymore. Jimin walked out of his room and handed her some clothes Jungkook asked him to get earlier.

"I think you know where the bathroom is if you want to shower and stuff." Jimin smiled.

"Thanks. Which one was..."

"You ran into me when you first came." Namjoon answered avoiding eye contact.

"Oh! Okay, haha." Ji Eun blushed and backed away to go take her shower.

After he was sure Ji Eun was out of ear shot,Jin turned to Jungkook.

"What does your sister like to eat? I was thinking about making a big breakfast-lunch for all of us."

"I'm dunno." Jungkook shrugged. "We can just make a bunch of food I guess."

Jin rolled his eyes but found himself following what Jungkook suggested. He began making all sorts of food, anything that came to mind that he had the ingredients for. The wonderful, warming smell of food spread throughout the dorm. Hoseok entered the kitchen at some point to help and sneek some food.

Ji Eun was out of the shower and the others took their turns. Now she was picking on Jimin and Taehyung.

"So if you guys went to school together, who was the teachers pet?" She asked. The two looked at each other.

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