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Jungkook stood in the center of the stage. Bright lights weighed down on him.  He music start playing and tried to move, but his feet stayed where they where. Panic rushed through his body as he missed the moves in the dance. His band members glared at him. Boos sounded from the crowd. It was all directed at him, the glares, the shouting, the hate.

Tears streamed down his face until he fell to his knees. The sound of light footsteps approached him. Jungkook slowly looked up to see large brown eyes that matched his.

"You lied to me Jungkook. You said your band members would keep my secret. You lied. You ruined everything." His sister's words slashed through his heart.

"I d-didnt mean too! Please! Noona!" Jungkook cried out.

The scene changed. Instead of a stage with blinding lights and deafening screams, it was his old bedroom in Busan. His older brother's laugh can be heard throughout the house along with a high pitched scream. Curiously, Jungkook wandered out to see his siblings enjoying themselves.

Junghyun was carrying his sister's lean figure and teasingly threatened to drop her.

"You better go to that audition! Your voice is too good to go unheard." Junghyun smiled at her.

"I'm so nervous! I'm never going to make it in." She cried out but a smile still remained on her lips.

"I'll take you. Jungkook can come too. You know how much he likes to hear you sing."

Jungkook backed away as the memory replayed in his mind. His back slid down against the wall until he met the ground.

Jungkook awoke with tears staining his face and soaking his pillow. He sniffed and hugged the hotel pillow close to his chest.

Yoongi glanced up from the computer that he was currently working on and removed his headphones.

"Jungkook? Are you alright?" He asked out softly.

Jungkook shook his head no and hid his face further into the pillow.

"I'm scared hyung... What if something bad happens?" Jungkook whisperes more to himself than to Yoongi.

"Come here Jungkook." Yoongi closed his laptop and opened his arms.

Jungkook sniffed then slowly crawed out of his bed and into his hyung's arms. Yoongi held him, rubbing small circles on his back.

"Did you have a bad dream?"

"Yes...you all hated me. I don't want you to hate me." Jungkook clung onto Yoongi's shirt trying to let the tears fall.

"We won't ever hate you. You're our favorite maknae." Yoongi cooed. "Trust us, okay?"

Jungkook sniffed again responding with a small nod. Yoongi shifted their position so they were no longer sitting, but instead they were laying down. The younger barried his face into Yoongi's nape.

"We have a few more hours until we are supposed to leave for the award show. Go back to sleep until we have to leave." Yoongi ordered.

"Okay... Thank you hyung." Jungkook murmured with his eyes growing heavy.

Yoongi closed his own eyes and ran his fingers through Jungkook's brown hair to lure him to sleep. He smiled when he heard Jungkook's breaths become slow and stead along his his tense body relaxing.

A few hours later, a knock sounded from the outer portion of the door before it opened to releveal a very excited Jin. His hair stuck up in all positions and his loose fitting pajamas hugged his broad shoulders. He was about to call out a very loud 'good morning' when he noticed that Jungkook was curled up on Yoongi's chest.

Curiously, he walked over to Yoongi's side and looked down at them. Yoongi's gentle sleeping face turned into a slight frown.

"Why are up so fucking early?" Yoongi muttered feeling his hyung's presents even without opening his eyes.

"Actually, I'm about 10 minutes behind schedule. You are the one who chooses not to sleep at night." Jin rolled his eyes. "So how did Jungkook get into your bed?"

"He had another nightmare." Yoongi sighed.

"I thought his nightmares went away." Jin frowned and sat on Jungkook's respective bed.

"I think us meeting his sister has him freaking out."

Jin mouthed an oh then stood back up. He smiled softly at them before walking to the door.

"I'll go wake up the others. Try and be awake in 15 minutes so the manager won't chew you out."


Jin smiled and walked out closing the door quietly before running to the other member's rooms. Yoongi looked down at Jungkook's sleeping figure and gently nudged him.

"Jungkook, we need to get up now." He called out.

Jungkook grumbled and clenched Yoongi's shirt in refusal.

"We have the award show today. We need to get ready for our American debute stage."

Jungkook's eyes shot open. He stumbled out if bed and mananged to elbow Yoongi in the stomach in the process. The older groaned and held where he had gotten attacked.

"The show is today hyung! Oh my God. This is happening! What do we wear? What do I wear?!" Jungkook threw his shirt off and began digging through his travel bag.

"We have stylists for a reason." Yoongi rolled his eyes and chuckled at his band mate's panic.

"Oh yeah. I'll go ask them!" Jungkook raced to the door but froze when Yoongi called his name out.

"Jungkook! Put a shirt on. And some pants. I'm sure our fans would love to see you running around a hotel in your Iron Man boxers, but I don't want you to get kidnapped at the same time."

"Oh yeah. Clothes would be a good idea." Jungkook hopped back to his bag and put on proper clothes.

"That's better." Yoongi said as he pulled himself up into a sitting position.

"I'll go see-" Jungkook was interrupted by the hotel door slamming open.

"TODAY IS THE DAY." Taehyung shouted and jumped on top of Jungkook.

Jungkook stumbled back but managed to catch Taehyung and not fall backwards. An excited squeal sounded from down the hallway until it entered the room and joined in on jumping on the maknae.

"THIS IS HAPPENING." Jimin squealed, tightly holding onto Taehyung and Jungkook.

Jungkook wasn't able to  intercept the sudden weight and fell backwards but was lucky enough to land back onto the empty bed instead of the hard floor. He smiled at his hyungs and instantly felt better with his nightmare washing away. Yoongi chucked pulling a blue hoodie on.

"Come on little shits one through three, we have a big day ahead of us."

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