Chapter Nine

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As the day went on the event got busier and busier, I thought the turn out for our session was unreal, but this was unbelievable, I don't know how I would've felt with this kind of turn out,  however all the people showing up now are obviously here to see people like The Sidemen, Zoella and Joe Weller. I was also pretty excited to see them as well, who knows if I would have a chance to talk to them though.

Hours had past and the event was almost over. We got to meet Zoe and Alfie, thanks to Joe introducing us who were both lovely and we had a good laugh together and we also met Joe Weller and Elliot Crawford through Saffron. It was definitely a day full of experiences and it just didn't feel real having met all these big Youtubers, just being involved in something they're all involved in. It really makes me think about what the future has got on hold for us. Maybe one day we will have a bigger following than Zoella, for example, and this would be everyday life, and it'll feel so natural.

We were on our way out of the venue when we heard our names being called and when we turned around we saw Joe, Jack and the rest of the gang behind us.

"Are you guys heading off?" Joe asked.

"Yeah bro, had an epic day though." Dylan replied.

"Have any plans for this evening?"

I shook my head.

"Tell you want JJ has invited us to a party at his, I'm sure we could bring you along if you wanted." Joe suggested looking to Casper for approval who nodded.

"Yeah, I'm sure they wouldn't mind."

"Seriously?" I asked, my jaw hanging wide open.

"If you don't close your mouth you're going to catch flies." Casper laughed.

"Oh, sorry.. You mean JJ as in KSI right?" 

"The one and only." Jack stated.

"In the Sidemen house?" Dylan asked and the boys nodded.

"And you want to bring us?" George confirmed for reassurance.

"Why not, we're all going. It'll be fun." Joe said.

"I don't believe it."

"Believe it hunny, you're one of us now." Jack replied giving me another sly wink causing me to blush slightly again.

"So are you coming?" Oli asked. The three of us all look to each other before turning back to the boys and nodding. "Great, we were going to grab some food first if you want to join, or you can meet us there?"

"Well I'm starving." Dylan stated. "What about you two?" George and I both nodded.

"Let's go hit the restaurant then." Joe sang and we followed them gang as they lead the way.

We ended up at an Italian restaurant 5 or so minutes away from the venue. I had never come across the name before, but my god did it look fancy, I was almost too scared to walk in there. It'll probably cost me a month worth of wages just to get a side of garlic bread. But I wasn't going to complain about it as the boys had so kindly offered us to tag along for dinner and an after party at the Sidemen house! I still couldn't believe it. Someone please pinch me. If you were to tell me yesterday morning that I'd end up meeting Jack and Joe that evening and by Saturday be tagging along with their group to one of the biggest Youtubers parties, I would have laughed in your face. These things don't happen over night. 

"Table for 11 please." Conor told the host as we walked in.

The host lady looked around ad told us to wait a couple minutes whilst they put some tables together for us. 

"So how did you find the event today?" Mikey asked us.

"It was amazing. I've never experienced anything like that before. I still think I'm dreaming." I laughed.

"I get you, I felt the same way at my first event." Mikey stated.

"Mikey, I swear this is your first YouTube event." Conor laughed.

"It's actually my second."

"Whoa, sorry big shot." Jack joked.

"I started long after you lot did, ok."

I watched as the boys carried on to tease Mikey until the lady came back and took us to our table. As we were seating ourselves she handed us out some menus and then approached Dylan, George and I at the end of the table.

"Sorry to bother you, but you three are Youtubers aren't you?" The lady asked.

"We are indeed." Dylan replied for us.

"I thought so. I see my younger sisters watching you all the time, in fact, if it's not too much of a bother do you reckon you could write out an autograph for them?"

We agreed and the lady handed us a paper and a pen to write a quick meesage to her sisters named Jade and Yasmin. Once we were done she thank the three of us and just smiled at the rest of the boys before leaving the table. 

"Whoa, that was harsh." Casper mocked.

"I'm Zoella's sister!" Joe joked smacking his fist on the table which was then followed by an "ouch."

"Look at you three hogging up all our attention. I thought I was the popstar." Conor laughed.

"Obviously, we have competition stealing our limelight now."

"What can I say." I said. "We're obviously the best."

"You have the advantage of being a girl." Joe joked again.

"That's sexist."

"Don't worry, I'm just kidding. Anyway it's been a while since my last upload on Instagram so I need a good old buttercream squad dinner selfie. You guys can get in as well."

With that Joe handed his phone to Josh who was sat at the other end of the table and he held up the camera as we all got into the photo.

"What are your usernames?" Joe asked once he got his phone back.

We gave him our usernames and seconds later I had two Instagram notifications

*Joe_Sugg has tagged you in a photo.*

*Joe_Sugg has started following you.* 

Within the next 10 minutes I had already received multiple more follows from a few Sugg fans.

This one weekend really was changing my life.

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