Chapter Two

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After what felt like hours of being stuck in London traffic we finally arrived to the hotel.

"I knew we should have just got the train and if we did we would've got here in half the time." I sighed.

"You never suggested the train." George replied to me "Plus I'd rather be stuck in a bit of traffic than drag all this luggage around London."

I rolled my eyes and walked to the door of the hotel. Next time I'm taking the train, I told myself, or at least not driving through London through rush hour. I live in the outskirts of London and it was ridiculous how long it took to drive here, but that's just London for you. I would highly suggest to anyone that ever comes to central London to the avoid roads and stick to the train.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard a nearby voice speak up "I was starting to think you two had ditched." I looked up and it was Dylan. He was sitting on the sofa by the front desk.

Dylan, like myself and George was also a YouTuber and since they got in contact with me a couple months ago with a collaboration proposal, we have been good mates ever since we first teamed up we became a bit of a trio. We received a huge request for more collaboration videos and they do really well in racking in the views. 

"I would never." I laughed and walked over to give him a hug. "We just got caught up."

"In what, eh?" He looked at the two of us and winked.

"Nah mate, nothing like that. We were just held up in a bit of traffic." George defended us.

For some reason Dylan always seems to get the impression and imply that there is something going on between George and I, which I don't understand as I feel like I'm just as close to George as I am with him, the only difference is I tend to see George more regularly because he lives a lot closer to me.

"Well you could have at least text me back. I've been waiting here for almost an hour wondering if I was going to end up doing this event alone." He chuckled.

"Well that would be embarrassing. No one would know who you are without us." I joked and we all laughed.

This weekend was going to be a big one and after the amount I've stated that I bet you're probably wondering why. You see this weekend is our first ever YouTube event and we have been invited to do a Q&A and meet and greet together. This is one of the biggest annual YouTube events in the UK with the likes of The Sidemen, Joe Weller, Zoella and all those big kind name  YouTubers, so obviously we were nervous and feeling a bit out of place. Although the three of us together have a pretty promising following at the moment we are no where near in the same category as most of the others making an appearance and I bet those guys haven't a clue who we are, they'll probably think we're some kind of rebellious, crazed fans at the venue that have snuck into the back areas and call security on us if we tried to speak to them.

I was more than nervous to see how this event would turn out, but I'm hoping good things.

"Right, lets get our bags up to our rooms and head out to eat?" George suggested.

"Sounds good. I'm starving. I haven't eaten since I left my house." Dylan said. "What do you guys feel like having?"

"Well, I was thinking something cheap, tasty and just around the corner." I replied. "And being the very prepared girl that I am I looked up restaurants around here and found out there's a Nandos just around the corner."

"Perfect. meet back here in say 20 minutes?"

We all agreed and headed up to our separate rooms to put our luggage down. 

Riptide // Jack MaynardWhere stories live. Discover now