Chapter Six

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I woke up bright and early. Thankfully I slept like a baby this time round and I was feeling refreshed and ready for the big day ahead. It was approximately 7:30am and I was heading to the boys room to see if they were ready to leave. George's room was right next to mine so I checked on him first.

I knocked on George's door and he opened it almost instantly as if he had been waiting for my arrival. "Well, hello George. Someone is a bit eager." I laughed. 

"I'm just buzzing." He stated." I can't wait to get going."

"It's kind of unreal, isn't it?"

"By far." George agreed. "Let's see how Dylan is getting on."

With that we headed off down the hall to Dylan's room who was a few doors down from us. When we got there we noticed he had a 'Do not disturb' sign on his door. We knocked and when there was no reply in return we attempted to open his door which was luckily unlocked, however due to putting too much pressure into the push the door swung wide open hitting the wall with it and Dylan seemed to hear that as we heard a 'manly' scream from the bathroom and a Dylan rushing out of the bathroom door within seconds holding on tightly to the towel wrapped around his waist. 

"Oh my god." Dylan exclaimed, hand resting on his forehand. "Thank god it's just you."

"Who did you think it was, Norman Bates?" I replied sarcastically.

"Haha... When you put a do not disturb sign on your door you aren't expecting anyone with good intentions to walk in."

"If you knew how to lock your door you could avoid any threatening people." George stated.

"I thought It was locked. I thought someone had actually broken in."

"Ah well, unfortunately not. But you got five minutes" I told him. "We'll leave you to get ready and then meet us in my room."

Once Dylan had finally gotten himself ready we pick up some breakfast from McDonalds and made our way down to the venue where the event was taking place. We planned to be there nice and early so we would have a chance to check everything out before all the fan arrived at 10am. 

I wasn't very surprised to find out we were the first arrivals. Obviously we were a little too eager to here and I expect the bigger Youtubers will arrive just on time for their sessions and leave soon after. After all they've seen this all before and have better things to be doing than checking out all the new faces around. 

We were taken on a tour around the venue by one of the staff a couple of the hosts. They showed us the rooms where the sessions were taking place, including ours, which despite being one of the minor rooms it was absolutely massive and the thought of later on being in this room with a number of people in the audience made my stomach turn. 

"This is the last room on the tour which is just the back stage room where you guys can come and hang out whilst you past time." One of then hosts told us. "There are tea and coffee stations over there and snacks beside it."

We thanked the hosts for showing us around and went inside the room. We had an hour to kill before the doors open and a couple until our slot so we took a seat and examined the room. There was a flat screen TV which was currently playing Elliot Crawford's Dominos pizza challenge with Joe Weller and Saffron Barker. I assume they had put together some kind of video montage involving all the Youtubers at the event. I noticed they had a couple screens around the place which were probably playing the same thing. I wondered if we would be on the video. 

"We need to do the Dominos challenge." Dylan spoke up whilst watching the video. 

"You don't even need to challenge me." George stated. "My record is 4 minutes 48 seconds for a medium pizza."

"As if." I said. "I've seen you eat a pizza and it took you an hour."

"I wasn't trying then. If I'm aiming to finish it it'll be gone within minutes."

"I say that's our next challenge then, mate." Dylan told him and they did their bro high fived.

As we were talking about our future dominos pizza challenge I noticed two girls walk into the room. I quickly turned to the boy and nudged George. 

"What?" George asked.

"Turn around." I told him and he did. 

"It's Saffron!" 

"This is your chance, buddy." Dylan told him giving him a pat on the back.

"I can't talk to her."

"Why not?"

"She's busy."

"She's not busy, she's waiting."

"I don't want to bother her."

Dylan sighed. "How did you ever get a girl?" He chuckled. "Follow me."

I stayed sat as I watched Dylan walked over to Saffron Barker and the other girl whilst George followed him like a lost puppy. I could just about hear their conversation from the other side of the room, I caught Dylan introducing himself and Dylan and found out the other girl was called Anastasia, aka Floral Princess. I don't think I had ever heard of her, however her and Saffron seemed to be good friends. Whilst I was sat spying on them talking to the girls I didn't notice when someone came in and sat next to me.

"Hey, Demi." I heard in my ear. 

I turned around suddenly "Oh my god." I exclaimed. 

I admit I was a little scared by the voice that came out of no where, but I was beyond relieved when I realised it was only Joe.

"Didn't scare you did I?" He laughed.

"Just a little.. I didn't realise anyone else was here."

"Sorry for sneaking up on you."

"It's cool. What are you doing here so early?"

"I like to see if I can help out at all, plus I want to catch up with everyone whilst they're here."

"I see. You must know like everyone here?"

"Almost, I hope to meet some new people, like you."


"Sure. I mean I like to discover new people and introduce myself. I like to think I'm quite mellow."

"I believe you are." I giggled.

"Have you met anyone else yet?" Joe asked me.

"Not yet. I mean no one else is here and I left George and Dylan to talk to Saffron and Anastasia."

"Well the boys are here."

I assumed the boys meant the rest of his gang.

"Oh, are they?"

"Yeah, they should be coming here in any minute." and as if Joe summoned them like magic the boys arrived.  "Aye. There they are."

"Demi, how are you?" Jack said and came over to hug me. 

"Hi, Jack." I replied hugging him back.

"Demi, you haven't met the rest of the boys have you?" Joe asked and I shook my head. "Ok, Demi meet Casper, Oli, Mikey, Josh and Conor. Boy meet Demi."

They all greeted me with a hug and join Joe and I on the sofa. Having only two sofas around us it became a tight squeeze, however I wasn't complaining about being huddled up in between Joe Sugg and Jack Maynard. I watched as the boys all joked around together. They were honestly as funny in person as they were on video and soon after they began to ask about myself. It was unbelievable how time flew whilst talking to them as by the time George and Dylan came back over to join me I had spent approximately half an hour with them alone, with no trace of awkwardness what so ever which I was proud about.  We spent about another 15 minutes with them until the three of us decided to explore a bit more as the gates to the event had just opened up.

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