Chapter Four

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I couldn't believe it, he, Jack Maynard, knew my name. I wasn't prepared for this. The only YouTubers, or in fact most famous people I had ever met in my life were George and Dylan, and of course I was a bit stars truck when they first approached me, but they were still only making it into the scene themselves at that point. Now Jack Maynard has like 1,000,000 subscribers and is part of the big YouTuber posse and I didn't know how to react.

This wasn't even like a fan meeting their favourite celebrity kind of situation where the fan is just so taken away and speechless with excitement. I know who Jack is of course, but I wouldn't call myself much of a fan, I've watched a couple of his videos, however I only really know him due to Joe Sugg's channel. But still, I was completely and utterly amazed that someone like Jack seemed to have some idea of who I was. How do I respond? I need to act cool. What do I say?

"Yes." I replied. I couldn't think of more words to say.

"I thought so." He told me.

"Oh." Oh... come of Demi, think of more words to say. You know how to talk. Your never shut up.

"Yeah..." The awkwardness grew. "Haven't got much to say have you?" He said followed with an awkward chuckle as he scratched the back of his head.

Come on say something. Make a joke, turn this conversation remotely interesting why don't you, Demi.

Without thinking I said the first thing that came to me in hope of livening up the conversation, but instead I probably made the conversation and made myself seem 100x worse.

"Sorry, I'm only available for people who are worth my time." 

Jack was taken back and looked speechless. I couldn't believe what just came out my mouth, But I can tell you it didn't liven up the conversation one bit. With sheer embarrassment and feeling like I was going to vomit I turned away. Oh my gosh. What do I do know?

"Ha ha." I heard and turned back around to Jack who now had a slight smile on his face as he laughed. "Almost had me fooled then."

Right, I thought. This is my second chance. Try not to fuck it up this time Demi.

"Yeah..." I began as I tried to think of words. "I guess my acting still needs a bit of work." I shrugged and gave him a shy smile.

Jack's full smile reformed as he responded to mine. "Well from your personality in your videos, I could tell you wouldn't really give me that kind of response unless you were a complete phony. But you seem too nice to be faking it."

I chuckled. "Well thank you, I guess. So, you've watched my videos?"

"I've come across a few of them, yeah."

"That's cool." Here we go with the useless replies again.

"Wait, do you not know who I am?"

"Should I?" I said attempting to make another joke. It was another awful one.

"Well no, but I thought you might have had an idea seeing as we're both in the same industry." I could feel the awkward tension rise as he said it and he began to scratch his head again thinking of what to do himself.

I was too embarrassed to admit to another awful joke again, I thought about playing it cool and acting like I didn't know who he really was, however before I could respond the awkward silence was broken by a familiar voice speaking up. But I didn't know if this would be a blessing or a curse.

"Jack, who have we got here?" The voice said. I didn't have to look at him to identify who he was. It was Joe Sugg.

"This is Demi Rose." Jack introduced him to me.

Joe went to shake my hand. "I'm Joe, Joe Sugg."

"I know." I replied as I accepted his hand shake.

His hands were so warm, the perfect temperature. I didn't want to let go, but I didn't want to look weird, so I sadly released from the hand shake.

"You know who Joe is, but you don't know me?" Jack questioned in disbelief. Whoa now Jack is sounding like the diva.

"You aren't Zoe's sister." Joe joked.

With that the conversation grew better, the awkward tension was lifted off our shoulders as we spoke for the next few minutes.

"Who are you here with then, Demi?" Joe asked me.

"Oh, just my friends Dylan and George." I told them pointing over to the table where my two friends were sat watching the three of us in disbelief. I guess they weren't prepared to bump into any of the big guys today, especially whilst out for dinner in Nandos.

"Aye, I recognize them." Jack said. "Let's go talk to them." He said and made his way over to George and Dylan whose jaws looked as though they were about to hit the table. Who would have thought they were such fan girls.

"You alright mates?" Joe asked as he went to shake their hands like he did mean.

"Good." George replied, he was almost as speechless as I was when Jack approached me. "I mean, we're good. Yeah. Thanks."

The two of them just looked so amazed throughout the whole conversation with Joe and Jack, maybe as much as I was. We couldn't' believe they knew who we were. How was it possible they had wasted their sweet, valuable time watching our videos when we were such amateurs compared to them. I was still trying to pinch myself awake. This couldn't be real.

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