Chapter Twenty-Two

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The past few days have been hectic, and I mean absolutely crazy hectic, I'm starting to wonder if my head is actually screwed on tight enough or if these past events have just been in my imagination because as I've been saying for the past few weeks, everything I've experience is just too good to be true.

Now let me give you an update of the last few days. Firstly, Monday I uploaded my video with Jack Maynard and let's just say the response to that was major, probably just because Jack was in it and promoted it to all his followers as well, but it blew up fast and currently has twice as many views as half of my videos that involve Dylan and George. But also I've been gaining more of a following ever since Joe uploaded his Cards Against Humanity video with all of us, Dylan and George have too experienced this and like wise a massive reaction to their video with Saffron and Anastasia. I guess it's the help with all of that which has two put me on the radar of other Youtube stars, and I'm talking YouTube stars I don't really even know about, Youtubers from different countries, etc. You see I'm pretty knowledgeable with British Youtubers, and the obvious extremely famous ones like the Paul brothers and Jenna Marbles, but there are a lot more out there which I never knew about or just never took notice in, until I've noticed that they've seen and shared my recent video and commented on it. I've had Liza Koshy, Eva Gutowski and Andrea Russett all send me feedback, and I didn't even realise how big of a thing that was until I got educated on who exactly they all were.

So, as I'm sure you can now understand, this was absolutely crazy, how does this sort of thing literally happen over night? But the biggest thing was still yet to come and that was my date with Jack Maynard which was taking place tonight. I had no idea what we were doing yet as Jack is apparently big on the surprise game, but I won't complain as all that really mattered to me was that I was going out with him, but I'm so scared thinking about what the evening has on hold. I've not really told anyone either, other than Dylan and my best friend best friend, Jessica, who has been my best friend since school, however she refuses to believe me until there's proof. I want to tell George, as I feel bad about keeping it from him, but with the way he's been acting with me recently I was unsure and when I asked Dylan he also told me to avoid discussing it with him for the time being. I didn't ask why, but I just assume George must be going through something a little personal right now to make sense of his recent,  bipolar behaviour and Dylan, being his best friend, must know what's going on.

Having no idea what the date had in store, I had no idea how to dress for it. I mean I could assume we were just going out for maybe a fancy dinner and wear a dress, and then we'll end up paintballing... Which won't fit the dress code at all... I ended up having a literal break down over this until I called up Jessica and told her my problem. She advised I wore plain black jeans, completely plain, no rips or anything just in case the date was at a bit fancy and I would look a little out of place, that along with a nice top, I decided I would wear my black lace top as I guess it could suit many occasions, besides paintballing anyway, however given the time I think I can cross something as extreme as that off the list. 

It was now 17:47 and Jack said he'd pick me up at 18:00, I was currently finishing off my make up, I decided not too go wild and keep my face looking natural, just adding some mascara and eye liner to help my dull hazel eyes to stand out. By the time I had completed that and got my stuff together it was 17:57 and there was a door on the door. 3 minutes early.. Shit! I haven't told my mum about the date and to be honest I didn't really want to, she gets way too personal with things and I wasn't ready for that talk. I quickly ran down the stairs hoping to make it to the door before mum, however once I got down the stairs she was already opening the door as she turned to me.

"Oh you look nice honey, are you going out tonight?"

"Er- yeah." I replied as Jack's face appeared behind the door.

"Where is it this time? Are you checking out the new club in town?"

"Er-something like that. Not too sure right now." I replied again as I started running towards  the door before you even got a look at who it was. "That's Jessica, she has an uber waiting so we better not leave it hanging. Bye.. love you!" I shouted and ran off closing the door again behind me.

"Alright." Jack laughed as he caught me running out the door. "Someone's a bit eager for this date, but I'm afraid I'm not the uber man."

"Shh." I said. "I just didn't want to explain everything to my mum."


"She get's way too deep into things and if I tell her I'm going out with you tonight, I'll come back home later and she will have our whole wedding planned out."

"Oh come on, she can't be that bad." He said opening the passenger door for me and I stepped in.

"Trust me, you haven't met her yet. With my last boyfriend she met up with his mum in the early weeks of us dating and they started fantasying about our future together and naming our children... I'm surprised that wasn't enough to cause him to run off. We were only 16 at the time."

"Nah, I don't believe that." 

"I want to tell you 'just wait for it', but I'm also trying to avoid that, so..."

"I'll find out in time." He said and I started to panic slightly.

'I'll find out in time'? What does that mean? Could that mean that he actually likes me and thinks we may have some kind of future together, which means my mum would obviously know about us and then he'll see what I'm talking about... Or am I seriously just over thinking some simple words, that generally mean nothing but a simple reply?

With me over thinking those words in my head the car fell silent for a few minutes until I finally broke the silence.

"So where are we going?" I asked

"I told you, it's a surprised." He turned to me with a cheeky smile on his face.

"OK, am I at least dressed for the occasion?" 

Jack took another look at me and my outfit and nodding. "You definitely look acceptable."

"Acceptable?" I questioned.

"You look beautiful." He said correcting his last sentence causing me to blush slightly. "And you're dressed well for work I have planned for us."

"Thank god, I was worrying a bit, and I guess you look ok too." I joked and winked at him.

"Ah." He sighed "If only I had a penny for everytime my date tells me I look 'OK'."

"I guess if that was the case you wouldn't need to do YouTube to make your money."

Jack suddenly turned to me with his hand on his heart and shocked expression on his face. "How many dates do you think I go on?"

True, I didn't think Jack as the kind of guy to go on dates, he probably manages to bed a girl with one glass of cheap wine. I just hoped that wasn't his kind of idea with me, I definitely wouldn't sleep with him on the first date, but I just hope he thought more of me than just another bang.

Soon later we arrived at a car park and Jack started parking up his car.

"Here we are." Jack spoke up and I took a look around.

All I could make out beyond this huge car park were a couple buildings, I couldn't make out what they were, but the area seemed rather deserted other than a Premiere Inn I noticed across the road. Not that I wanted our first date to be in such a public place where people would notice us and our 'date' will be all over Twitter in the morning, however it made me feel like he didn't put much effort into the date, what if his idea was to just to book a room in the hotel and get all he wants from me. My stomach started turning as I wondered if going out with Jack was what I hoped it might be.

- Hey everyone, sorry it's been a while since I've updated, honestly I've rewritten this chapter so many times and it's been killing me feeling like it's just not good enough, but finally it's here and I do really hope you enjoy and haven't strayed away from the story as it's been so long. I promise the next chapter won't take as long! :)

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